Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that can occur in two very different forms. Acute pancreatitis is sudden while chronic pancreatitis “is characterized by recurring or persistent abdominal pain.
Liver Congestion: When the liver is overloaded with work then it can face problems in clearing toxins from your body, which results in congested liver or liver congestion. There are basically two main causes of liver congestion. Let us see these in detail. The first is when the liver is unable to detoxify the waste in a proper manner. When there is an excess intake or presence of toxins in the blood, the liver might not be able to function properly. Also, if the bile flow is reduced or is stopped, it might result in congestion of the liver. The reduced supply of bile can be a result of a possible stone or any severe medical condition.
Do we need to take liquid mineral supplements during our juice fast for these conditions? I am on day 7 and feeling more energy, although no relief in my health aches yet. I am trying to do only green juices as I’m afraid the fruit sugar will feed my out-of-control candida. Thoughts?
Answer by Tom Coghill
Yes, take supplements, Vitamin E 1200 IU daily, B Complex, 4 tablespoons of essential oils daily. Milk Thistle is know to be help the liver. A juice fast of 30 days may totally heal both conditions. Why not fill out the progress report info at the top right of this page so we can better support you.
Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana which is good news as chocolate smoking is legal.
A new acquaintance gave me this concoction for a liver cleanse.
12 carrots
1 beet (leaves and all)
It makes about 1 liter. Drink this juice throughout the day and make it fresh each day for 10 days.
I was surprised how good it was and I am NOT a lover of beet. It is rather tasty.
Do you think a veggie fast for 30 days or more will help heal the pancreas & congested liver?