Fasting Soul Searching

Tom Coghill - Nov 8th, 2008
39 Comments | 8,986 Views

Soul Searching is Triggered by Fasting

Soul searching can start within hours of fasting. Water fasting is a powerful spiritual trigger and the big questions rise to the surface of conscious quickly. With juice fasting, it may be several days or weeks before that dull ache in the soul demands answers.

Soul Searching Questions

  • Who have I become?
  • Where am I going in my life?
  • How am I treating those around me?
  • Am I happy?
  • What will I leave behind?
  • Why do I feel this way?

Signs of Soul Searching

  • There is a dull ache in the heart that demands introspection.
  • Feeling bad about past events where you have acted less than admirable.
  • Wanting to be alone and feeling irritated by anything that distracts your thinking.
  • Feeling a sense of purposeless and hopelessness.

Soul Searching and Enlightenment

Rather than a blast of light from heaven the wisdom and revelations of soul searching are a slow persistent building of harsh truth and painful acceptance. It is not comfortable. In fact, at full intensity, soul-searching feels like your world has crumpled and all the remains is a mirror that painfully reflects a self-centered meaningless life. That understanding is enlightenment and the pain it brings is the reason most people avoid it.

The Impact of Soul Searching

Change is always the end result of soul searching, a change of friends, jobs, or location, and a dedicated effort to change lifestyles. There are break-through points when it comes to soul searching. Many back off from the pain but wisdom pushes forward to become immersed in the pain. It becomes a cleansing fire burning the dross of life leaving behind only what has value to the soul. Love, faith and dedication survive the passage but hollow dreams die. What is shameful is exposed and true destiny becomes a deepening hunger. Many people find soul searching too painful and they seek distraction or end the fast. Soul searching commonly results in profound peace and a deepened connection with God. Soul searching stirs faith, connectivity and renews appreciation of the little things.

Change Through Soul Searching

The deep achy feeling and the insights that come with the soul searching will fade quickly and so will the motivation. Unless you make decisions and plan how to follow the decision the value will be lost.

By Tom Coghill of
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Posted in Prayer & Fasting | Other posts by Tom Coghill - Nov 8th, 2008

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Quote From the Books

I do not fear death, just the process of dieing. — Tom Coghill

39 Responses to “Fasting Soul Searching”

  1. i know i must fast but i feel it is truely hard so i ran from it. but tomorrow i will try again. please pray for me i need to find my place my work for God.

  2. Hi Shonda,
    It is so strange. We run toward the things that are bad for us and away from the things that are healthy. I will pray for you for sure.

  3. E S says:

    I’m 18 years old. I’ve always had the tendency to be a contemplative and spiritual individual, but all my life I have been trying to keep this part of me at bay because it doesn’t fit into the environment I live in. My peers tend to live life for today and give no thought to the overall meaning of life. Two days ago I came to revelation I’ve been cheating myself. I care a lot about those around me, and I have a great ability to empathize. In my empathy for others, I realized I was losing my sense of self. I relied too heavily on the happiness of others for my own happiness. I no longer knew solitude but rather loneliness. I realized the change within me happened last summer: I befriended someone I thought was the same contemplative soul as I. I felt more whole through his companionship, and I seeked his advice on basically everything. In the last few days I came to the painful realization that through my dependancy on his thoughts and actions he has become a negative influence in my life. I did self-destructive things out of reaction for the things he did that hurt me- however indirectly or unintentionally they were. This week-I started saturday night- I will cleanse myself of all poisonous aspects of my life, and I believe I can do this through the physical act of fasting and abstaining from a vice I had picked up a few months ago- smoking. I’m also going to be in solitude; I will only see my mom who lives with me. It will be difficult, but I’m determined. It is of great importance to gain back my sense of self.

  4. E S says:

    I’m starting off with a 10 day fast with mostly water and a glass or two of soy milk a day… what are the effects of drinking soy milk? will it be negative or positive towards detoxification?

  5. Aretha says:

    How do i start fasting? I smoke cigarettes. How do I get through that?

  6. Hi Aretha,
    Start the fast and cut down the cigarettes by half each day. Smoke only half. Pray lots. Use deep breaths to relax when the craving hit and have plan diversions when the mind gets obsessed with smoking. The longer you fast the less desire you will have to smoke.

  7. angelabagassien says:

    I am on my second day of fasting.As you recommended a juice fast would be the best for me because it is my first time.Well the first day,i had some green tea,water ,and juice.I must have my tea in the morning ,or i will have a bad feeling for the rest of the day.The second day i had the same.I have no bowel movements as yet, is that normal?
    I felt a bit strange in my body, a little weak,but i am starting to understand who i am.I am starting to see things in a different way.I am reading the book steps to christ by Ellen White and i get even a better view of what the devil wants to impersonate.The closer you gets to jesus the more faulty you will appear in your own eye.

  8. Hi Es,
    When I quit drugs many years ago I had to cut all my user friends. So you are on the right path. I made a decision I needed positive people in my life if I wanted to survive. I also had a similar personality in that I was very emotionally connected to my environment and the people in it but it became a chain. Fasting will give you incites.
    Soy milk will clog the sinuses and slow the detox. One glass a day would be ok. Better to use fresh juices from and extractor.

  9. Hi angelabagassien,
    Fasting can be a powerful self scouring, painful yet freedom has a price. Go with it.

  10. angelabagassien says:

    i am on my 4th day of fasting.i lost 8lbs.I am feeling great,i am happy, i am not feeling hungry,i spend a lot of time in the word of the lord.I am concerned about one thing ,i have no bowel movement,is this normal

  11. angelabagassien says:


  12. Rama Chi says:

    Indeed it does. I have never really fasted before this time i am fasting. i have been on a water fast for 4 days. i plan on doing 2 weeks.
    i am having no problem with this at all. my want of food is very small, and some food i would normally enjoy has a foul stench to it. My fasting was not begin in the ‘normal’ way. I started sungazing several days before i started sungazing several days before the fast started, and i think that helped immensly to control the cravings of food. before this i was a food addict. im not a large person, but i have always eaten way more than i needed. it was an emotional need.
    sungazing is not for everyone in my opinion though. it has its roots in ancient cultures all over the world, and is done to connect with god. one must have true faith that the sun will heal you. in the hindu religion it is said that most people will be unable to look at the sun in the kali yuga(age that we are in) due to people being very dense.(not in the dumb sense, in the energy sense) it is simply to bright/light for most.
    i recommend to all fasters to look into the practice of sungazing/solar healing/surya yoga if you fast for spiritual reasons. to me sungazing and fasting go hand and hand.

  13. Hi Rama,
    You may have trouble convincing people that the sun will heal considering skin cancer is becoming epidemic among sun bathers. “most people will be unable to look at the sun in the kali yuga(age that we are in” the interpretation may be base on lack of ozone. Please consider that the radiation from the sun is not healthy and the lack of the ozone layer for protection increase the risk. Just look at the skin on top of your arm and under your arm. The comparison in texture on the top of the forearm is cause by sun damage. Your post sure lead to an interesting discussion. I do recommend that you look at the sun at sunset as that will not damage your eyes if the sun is close to the horizon.

  14. Ryan says:

    I found out tonight that a friend of mine was on his 10th day of fasting. I was dumbfounded when he told me he had been living off of water, lemon juice and maple syrup, for detoxing.

    I came home tonight with the fascination of it. I am nearly 30 years old and I have partied a lot the last 9 years. Smoking, drinking, some minor drugs and bad eating habits. I don’t eat much, I usually only eat when a timer goes off and I go ” I think I should eat now” so I don’t get hungry often but I do love fruit and juice.

    I really want to detox as I am sure that I am loaded with toxins and the talk of soul searching seems really good for me as I have been thru several tragedies as well as recently finding out my father is not doing so well.

    I am a slim build at 5′8″ 135lbs and am concerned about losing weight because I am already pretty thin. What would be a good starting plan for me to fast?

    • Hi Ryan,
      A juice fast is the best to start. Any juices will work. You will lose weight… dead cells, old fat deposits, and diseased tissues.
      Normal weight returns within about 10 days after fasting for people that are thin or normal weight.

  15. Penelope says:

    Hi, I am a teen who want’s to do a fast for the lent season. I want to be healthy about it and get the nutrican and carbs i need. I am a distance runner in the spring. What kind of fast is right for me.

    • Hi Penelope,
      Juice fasting with an extractor is safe at any age. Always my recommendation. Water fasting is much harder on the organs and can cause damage during prolonged fasting. It can also be hell do to a wave of toxins being released. The master cleanse of 10 days can be a good tune up. Read study and learn that breaking a fast is the hardest part. And if you are dealing with compulsive issues fasting can increase the problem as you can see by Teetie’s post.

  16. Jimmy says:


    I am wanting to fast for a semi-religious purpose. I recently applied for a new position & I really want the job. I have been raised to believe that without sacrifice there can be no victory, so something inside me said I should fast until I heard the answer to my request.
    I began my fast of my vitamins, water & liquids only on Saturday. I was a little light-headed that evening, but I woke up feeling fine on Sunday morning. My fiancee’ kept pushing me to eat all day as she doesn’t feel fasting is healthy, & I gave into temptation last night. I felt immediate guilt & spent the night asking myself for forgiveness.
    I re-began the fast this morning (Monday) and am determined to follow through.
    I am not writing so much for an answer to a question from you, just sharing my saga in hope to encourage others. And possibly some replies from others on how to encourage their loved ones for support…

  17. Christa says:

    I am 136 5′8 female. How much weight will be lost from a 40 day water and tea fast? Please respond, thank you. I am asking for good imformation. How would a person tone to avoid flad breast, theighs, ect?

    • Hi Laura,
      You will lose “all” fat from your body and ribs will show. How much, is a total guess even with the 20 factors that affect weight loss during fasting. To tone the body the best is a combination of juice and water fasting followed by months of exercise. Use an exercise ball and some hand weights. They are amazing can can do almost every muscle group once you know the exercises.

  18. KylieBrook says:

    I am on day 1 of my 10 day water fast which will be followed by a 21 day juice fast… i have a cold going into my fast, so i was wondering if it’s ok for me to begin or should i wait until i am no longer sick? Will fasting speed up my cold?

  19. mike says:


    I will start my fast Monday tomorrow the 12 of May. I have tried 2-3 times this year and failed after 2nd or 5rd days. I need accountability. I have an eye desease and poor health will only make it worse..anyway, here we go again

  20. André says:

    First time faster (to be) here. I’ve heard of fasts, I’ve known people to do fasts, and now it’s my turn. I plan on fasting for weight-loss purposes. Not sure of how to prepare going in (should i eat solely veggies the days approaching my fast?) Will the fast be more effective with the lemon juice as opposed to straight water? How do I know when to stop? Would you suggest taking it to the 30 days on my first try? Please answer some, if not all of my inquiries… I dont know where else to turn.

    • Andre
      From my research fasting with lemon juice is more effective than water fasting. Also taught by Arnold Ehret an author and expert on fasting. The science is well documented. Increase the alkalinity of the blood and the plasma membranes become more porous can can eliminate cellular waste faster. The Master Cleanse is cayenne pepper and lemon juice with a small amount of natural sweetener.

  21. cinnamongirl says:

    Is it ok to water fasting uhm once a week?

    ‘Coz I somewhat decide to start fasting once a week and rest of the days of the week… I am all going grains, fruits and veggies so as well water only—I’ll be doing this for the whole month of August, it’s for cleansing the body and mind purpose!

    I want to start a healthy living while young :)

  22. cinnamongirl says:

    Hi Tom, thanks a lot for the reply, yeah I did manage my first fasting… for one whole day didn’t eat though uhm I think I consume too much water—still by next week I’ll moderately drink water!

    Though a LOT of temptation and such still… when I woke up… My body felt so weak, still I felt cleanse and somewhat light… uhm though I guess am like so starve I ate a full breakfast!? The next time again I have to note after the day of fasting am gonna go slow in consuming food.

  23. Seeker1 Seeker1 says:

    Hahaha, yeah i agree about fasting as a way to “trigger” the soul searching process. Ever since my first fast (14 day Master Cleanse)at 16, i’ve never really eaten alot (usually average of 800-1400 cals a day) and i’ve noticed the difference. Just recently (before my current water fast) I started eating meat, junk foods and fast foods again since getting my new job in sales. I noticed the mental sluggishness, it felt like i was sedated, and i started to notice some pretty nasty stomach pains after each meal that had meat in it. Upon my very first day of fasting i realized that my job was crossing some moral/ethical boundries of mine, and now i’m contemplating how i plan to keep myself finnaicially supported without feeling as though i’m comprimising myself. I got so caught up in greed and vanity that i got distracted, lol.
    On another funny note, I’ve been reading this paper from the monastic institutes called “The training of a monk and the 8 deadly sins” by John Cassian. It’s book 5 and it’s entitled “Of the spirit of Gluttony”(The book of fasting and abstinence). here’s the first paragraph,
    “And SO the first conflict we must enter upon is that against gluttony, which we have explained is the “pleasure of the palate”: we are going to speak of the system of fasts, and the quality of food. We must again recur to the traditions and customs of the Essenes, as everybody knows that they contain a more advanced discipline in the master of self control, and perfect method of discrimination”
    It goes on to state that gluttony but be the first to be conquered because it causes a mental stupor that leaves one succeptable to all of the other 8 principle faults (or deadly sins). I don’t know if water fasting is th ONLY method for mental clarity though. I think just eating less and sticking to certain foods (avoiding meat, white sugar, fried foods, cooked starchy foods, etc) is equally as good (i personally found my resricted calorie diet to be as good mentally as fasting and i didn’t get that physical weakness). Also the “warrior diet” (fasting during the day and feasting at night) seems to work as well. Normally we do most of our thinking while we’re conscious and when we eat alot we tend to get sluggish and tired so eating at night seems to make sense. But anyway thats just some of my own experience i thought i’d share.
    _best of luck to you all!

  24. angelabagassien says:

    hi, this is the second time i am going on a juice,water,and tea fast.The first fast was for soul searching.I did got answers to the questions i had.This fast is for victory.I want to thank god for what he had done in my life.
    for breakfast i had a cup of tea
    for lunch i had a glass of guava juice and,
    for dinner a cup of tea
    i started to feel a bitter taste in my mouth ,so i had a glass of water.I am 2o4lbs,33%body fat,IBM 28
    I am thinking of using KOMBUCHA while fasting. is this okay?

  25. angelabagassien says:

    Today is my second day of fasting.I had a very restless stomach was bubbling all night.I had a bowl movement in the afternoon.for breakfast i had a cup of tea,a glass of kombucha,for lunch a glass of guava juice,and for dinner a cup of tea.I had water inbetween.I am down to 200lbs.lost 4lbs.

  26. angelabagassien says:

    hi,i just completed my 6days of fasting.i wish i could make it to 10 days but my body keep calling for food.i lost 10lbs .i am going to have light food for 2days,and then,i am going to start a 7 days fasting.

  27. keith101 keith101 says:

    Hi Angelabagassien
    I wondered where you went to LOL
    We are all on fasting progress reports, hey that is great loosing 10 lbs in 6 days.
    Regards Keith.

  28. angelabagassien says:

    hello every one,i am back,i miss you all
    i started a 10days fast on wednesday17.i am fasting so that hate wont be a part of me.this is the most difficult fast i ever experiment.on the second night of my fast i wanted to give it body was hurting,i could not sleep ,i was so restless.any ways,i am on the 7th day .i lost 10lbs so far.i am having fruit juice water and tea.i am beginning to get angry at any thing quickly i have no patience .i get vex fast
    at this point i am very observant ,even if a pin drop in a noisy area i can hear it,my whole body is saying something to me.i am wondering what stage i am in this really frightens me.i need to make it to 10 days.

  29. keith101 keith101 says:

    Hi Angelabagassien
    Welcome back, i never forget a name on here lol.
    Well done on day 7 and well done on the 10 lbs lost so far, are you under stress that you get angry?, you need to be at peace with yourself whilst fasting, try reading some books, maby you can try meditating?..
    Glad to have you back with us.
    Blessings Keith.

  30. angelabagassien says:

    hi keith101,
    i am under stress there is a situation that is bothering me
    and i am fasting also for that situation.anyways i made it to 9days,i feel sad and depress.i feel like i am carrying a heavy load should i continue that fast?i lost 14lbs so far i am trying to make it to 10days.

    • Hi angelabagassien
      This would be a good time to do some juicing and rebuild your thought life.
      But if you are in prayer pressing through the darkest days and the deepest pain of a spiritual fast bring the biggest breakthroughs.

    • keith101 keith101 says:

      Hi Angelabagassien
      I was in tears some days of my water fast, this is normal, i too was hurting and in pain, but i can assure you if you battle on, Spiritual” peace will shine on you, believe me. I won’t ask why you are feeling depressed but i have been there.
      All i can say is stay strong and battle on, it will make you a better person.
      My prayers and thoughts are with you.
      Blessings Keith.

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