Fasting without medical supervision, is it safe?March 27, 2008 | | 4,379 Views Fasting with medical supervision is rare. Fasting knowledge and fasting experience is rare in the medical profession. Fasting is ignored by the medical profession as a method of healing. What doctor will you find that has any information on fasting? ...
Fasting Support for Christin L.March 27, 2008 | | 2,601 Views I am ready to undertake a 30 day juice fast. I plan to start on February 1st. I began eating raw this past Monday and my roommate and I purchased a Champion juicer which will be arriving in the mail tomorrow. I am 29 and I live in San Diego, California....
Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the UglyMarch 22, 2008 | | 19,750 Views Water fasting is tough. Water fasting can have good and bad times. I decided to write this post during a water fast. Water Fasting The Good Ending a water fast is always amazing. The first few glasses of fresh juice flooding the blood with nothing but...
Fasting & Excessive Weight LossMarch 19, 2008 | | 12,179 Views Weight Loss And Its Different Views Skinny has many definitions. Here in the Philippines if you do not have 20 lbs. of excess fat you are too skinny. In Colombia, the guys like “big butts” and busts. In North America where almost everyone...
Fasting & Stomach UlcersMarch 19, 2008 | | 7,216 Views Fasting Aids In Stomach Ulcer Treatment Fasting is what you need to cure an ulcer. But one or two days will not do it, you will need at least 14 days of juice fasting. The reason fasting works is that the damage lining of the stomach is not exposed...
Fasting and Stomach SizeMarch 14, 2008 | | 13,344 Views Fasting effects stomach size. From years of over-filling the stomach, it is no surprise that it has lost its natural elasticity resulting the bloated bellies so common in North America. There are several ways to shrink the stomach. Shrinking Stomach Tips: Shrinking...
Fasting Research on MiceMarch 12, 2008 | | 2,374 Views Study on mice shows fasting improves health as much as cutting calories. Periodic fasting and cutting calories is proven to increase health and lifespan. Research -Fasting Increases Lifespan and Insulin Sensitivity Several recent studies have reported...
Fasting Cures CancerMarch 11, 2008 | | 3,161 Views Fasting Is The Most Potent Natural Shield Against Cancer Fasting will get you healed of cancer if I could say it in a more positive way, but that would be a lie. Yet, no matter what the outcome, fasting is still the most effective natural response to...
Fasting & Alcohol AddictionMarch 7, 2008 | | 3,622 Views One beer on a long water fast and you are blasted. You get high fast and then come down quickly and feel like crap. The worst part of drinking during a fast is the intense hunger it creates. Alcohol is somewhat like an appetizer, when you drink even...
Fasting Support for NatalieMarch 5, 2008 | | 846 Views Fasting support page for Natalie. Stats: 23 years old. 5′5″, about 150 lb. Fasting Goals: a slimmer figure clear glowing complexion total detoxification spiritual strengthening elimination of depression and negative thinking mental...
Recent Comments:
- Fasting Progress Reports (464)
- sourgrapes: Hello everyone, I am water fasting for 4 days..this will be a first as have only managed one day before on water only. I have been reading your posts everyday..keep it up everyone, good work! Sarah
- Robert: Update on Day 10 of my fast: Pain throughout my body (part of my condition but worse now that I’m fasting)…. Cold Sore and very dry lips… not sure if this from fasting or could I possibly missing some key nutrients while fasting? Feeling weak… I’m still...
- Robert: Hi Keith, yes today my symptoms are even worse… I must be really toxic. This 21 day juice fast is my first in years so it’s to be expected, I guess.
- Robert: Hi Suzanne, welcome to the site. I also do office work but like boothed I feel so weak on water only I can even sit up straight. Best wishes on your fast. Rob
- keith101: Hi suzanne i to had to go straight into a water fast. My symptoms were really bad with depression, drugs, and alcohol. Stay focuced and be positive and you will see your life change forever. Whether it be for waight loss, mind, or a spiritual cleanse. We are here to help. I train at the...
- keith101: Hi boothed You are a great comforter on this site. I have taken enemas every 4 days on my water fast. I have taken Picolax from the chemist. I have done salt water flushings which truly is not that good. Taking enemas did relieve,joint pain and back pain, and speed up the detox. Even...
- Suzanne: Hi boothed I would like to water fast for 21 days, that would be a milestone and a massive boost for my health. Rather than juice fasting i could add tea for energy. I’m very good at doing things in a group environment whether in person or online but rubbish at doing some things by...
- keith101: Hi all I have a few new friends joining fasting.ws very soon from other sites that does not have the passion and comitment for fasting as we all have. We are all here to improve in our health. Our body, our mind, our spirit, Fasting has improved all 3 for me. I have a spiritual peace...
- boothed: Hi Suzzane, Welcome, how long do you plan to fast? I am on a 21 day water and juice fast. I work in an office also but sometimes my energy level was so low I could barely make it to work. I incorate the juice in my fast for energy and cleasing. Be blessed. Keith101, I only did one enema...
- Suzanne: Hi Keith, Thanks for the kind note. In previous fasts i find it easier to do a water fast, typically i would eat nothing from the time i rise up then get plently of water in the evening. If i do a juice fast then i would be easily tempted to go for sweets as well then before you know it...
- keith101: Hi sarah How are you? Have you had your tummy checked yet? Please keep us posted on how you are. Best wishes keith.
- keith101: Hi Suzanne. A big welcome to fasting.ws Will you be doing a juice fast or a water fast? You will have all the help you need on our site that is dedicated to putting 100% focus on your fasting journey. We are all committed to helping eachother. We all do our very best to answer your...
- keith101: Robert. To add to my last post. detoxing will flare up old symtoms that you have had in the past but is all part of the body healing itself. As tom said toothpaste or try dabbing listerine on the soar. regards keith.
- Suzanne: This is a great website. I start fasting tomorrow; i have done this in the past but struggle to complete a week as i loose focus. The main reason is for my health which has deteriorated over the past two years and i do know fasting will greatly help.
- keith101: Hi boothed. Are you taking enemas? I would recomend them for speeding up the detox, i have said that even after taking enemas after 3 weeks my body was still in a toxic phase. When i went to the loo i was still passing bad waste that was lying in the intestines.This did relieve my back...
- keith101: Hi robert Thanks for your comment on the upgrade of our site. I am sure tom will do his bes to implement this if possable. I have been on juice now for 3 days. My base for juice is tomatoes and is great in properties for antioxadents, i have also been taking natural youghurt for the...
- boothed: Hi JohnV, I am drinking both juice and water on my fast but I drink more water than juice. I only use the juice every 3 or 4 days when I am really weak. I had a really low energy day on yesterday. I juiced 1 lemon, 3 pears, 1 orange, and 3 apples and drink that but it took awhile for my...
- boothed: Hi Everyone…God Bless each of you as you continue on your journey of fasting. Be encourage Keith101, thanks for the information because the pain in my upper back does come and go. If I wanted to detox my body more, what else could I add to the fast. This is day 14…Praise the...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Robert, Cold sores are very common. Dab toothpaste on it 4 times a day is the best. Salt works but is very painful.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Robert, We are reprogramming the site. The comments are in the works now. Great thought, we are just trying to looks at what is possible and what can be simple first. Wordpress is not designed to work that way so we are seeing if anyone has some base code to start with.
- Robert: Yesterday I developed a cold sore on my mouth. I have never had one before (although I have sufferred with cankor sores in the past)…. I assume this is another sign of detox? Thanks
- Robert: Thanks Keith, I will continue to stay focused. It is good to know that I have not been the only one getting these kinds of symptoms. I hope they improve soon…..
- Robert: JohnV – Welcome to the site. Juice fasting is much easier than water fasting from my experience. Best wishes for a successful fast. Rob
- Robert: Re: Upgrades to site. Not sure if this has been considered but having responses tied to the original comment would be helpful in tracking conversations… … Essentially each comment would have an expansion option where you could see all the responses in a menu…. Just a...
- keith101: Hi Robert,ed,bothed,sar ah,johnv,samanthakel li,lena,indigowonder s,and reacheal. If you have any comments to upgrade your site then please do so and leave your comments. Tom is working on a few upgrages, your comments are very welcome and will be noted for upgrading on Fasting.ws Best...
- keith101: Hi johnv Robert or boothed will be able to guide you on juice fasting although i have recently started juice/vegetable to ween myself from my water fast. I have started taking natural yoghurt to give a healthy bacterial lining in the intestines before i start back on solids.I am sure...
- JOHNV: I am on a juice fast.
- keith101: Hi johnv welcome to fasting.ws. Are you on a water fast or juice fast? and good luck on your journey,we are all here to support you and answer your questions. but if anyone of us on the site cant give you an answer then tom will step in to give you the help you need to see your fasting...
- JOHNV: Hello Everyone, So I did my first 3 day fast a couple of weeks ago and I just started another. I felt great after the first one. I had to stop because I had alot of events to go to so seeing the food did not help. So now I have 25 days off from anything that involves food. I am hoping to...
- keith101: hi robert I am allways here to talk with you, stay focused on the bigger picture. I was talking to christina on msn and her father is doing well.Have you talked to her on this site? She is still on her waterfast. i think she will leave a message on here next week. best regards keith. If...
- Robert: Thanks Keith. I will keep going as I’ve committed myself to this. I don’t want to quit as I know the benefits aren’t realized until much later in the fast. Rob
- keith101: Hi robert. This must be day 8 of your juice fast? the only thing i can say i stay focused your nearly half way there,i have read storys of people having pain during their fasting this will subside.I have had pain in my hip joints but the worst pain that i had was at the upper back,it...
- keith101: HI Sarah. I agree with tom,it would be wise to consult a doctor so that you get peace of mind. I thought it might have been some sort of waste blockage in the lower intestines? after 3 weeks on my water fast i took an enema and you wouldnt believe the waste that was still coming out of...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Sourgrapes, Enemas usually cause cramps on the first usage and become more comfortable after the first time. There are at least 10 medical conditions that could cause a lump in that area and all are minor. Only cancer is of major concern and mostly tumors are hard and feel like a...
- sourgrapes: Hi Tom, You cant really see it, only if I lie flat I can see it is slightly raised in that area, and I have only noticed it when im fasting, it doesn’t hurt or anything just is abit tender if I poke at it. I thought it might have something with my intestine….Ena mas are...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Sourgrapes If there is pain associated with the lump and it comes and goes and is more visible when coughing, laughing or exerting, it could be hernia. If it appeared quickly it cannot be a tumor.
- Robert: Hi Samanthakelly, best wishes with your fast and welcome to the site. Best thing is to set a goal and stick to it. This is helping me. I’ve committed myself to 21 days of juice fasting and refuse to quit. I may even extend it to 30 days. I noticed you are doing a water...
- Robert: Hi Keith, yes, I am hoping the pain levels are related to detox. With my condition my pain levels always fluctuate even before I was fasting so this sometimes causes me to doubt that the fast is working, but I am rejecting those thoughts and sticking with this fast. Rob
- Robert: Thank you Boothed. Today was a difficult day. The hunger has not subsided for me. I’ve felt somewhat discouraged today…. I am the type of person that always want results faster than they really come so I need to just be patient and stick this out. Rob
- keith101: Hi sarah. have you looked up the site i searched for you?… you said you had a lump under your belly button, the only thing there would be the colone and lower small intestines. This lump you have needs to be checked up on by a doctor If it is a lump bigger than your fist you have...
- sourgrapes: Hi keith, no, I haven’t seen a doctor. I have abit of a fear of them so only go If i can’t avoid it. Dont have a doctor I see regularly…stil l haven’t found one that I felt comfortable with. The last one I went to typed my symptems into some sort of search...
- keith101: Samanthakellie. I am on here morning,noon,and night,UK time so if you are struggling then please dont be afraid to post any queries you have,we are allways here to support you through your fast. warm regards keith.
- keith101: Samanthakellie. This is the first day for you, nothing is impossable when you put your mind and focus on what you want out of life. hunger will tempt you to go back to old ways but hold on and stick in and your life will change. bless best regards keith.
- SamanthaKellie: *180 not 280. opps. the hungers not really getting to me at all. i got on the scale this moring, my weight was 182. guess u havent gained as much weight as i believed.
- keith101: Hi robert. i was looking back to the 20th and noticed you had posted that on day 7 you were feeling worse than ever i have read about this! if you have had any past ilness?..then fasting will flare this up but it is part of the body healing itself from years of toxicicity in the body....
- keith101: Boothed to add to that! if you have ever had any injury in the past,this can flare up whilst on a fast your body is now working harder to flush out toxins so you will go through this fase of soar joints or a soar back but i can assure you this is normal. regards keith.
- keith101: Hi boothed. its a joy when i see you on this site, i have recieved more than i ever expected boothed i feel blessed by everyones comments and love when i see us all on the same path. The answer to your question is one that i can give advise on I had the same problems as you have now...
- boothed: Hi Everyone, God bless each of you as you are on your fast. Hi Tom and thanks for the blog. I enjoy it because you teach about the “whole” being. God Bless! Rob, nothing is easy when you are fasting for spiritual and physical guidance, there will always be attacks from the...
- keith101: Hi all. i forgot to mention that Eliarigina posted her progress on the fast-5 waight-loss Through eating 5 hours a day! and is continuing to loose waight, her family has started on the fast-5 diet she has said that she will keep us posted on their progress. regards keith.
- Fast-5 Weight-loss Through Eating for 5 Hours a Day (4)
- eliaregina: Hi Keith I’ve been reading the posts at the site and I’m very proud of you. You have accomplished a great goal. Hope you have found the enlightening you’re looking for during your water fast and hope you’re enjoying your juices.I love them. They cured me from...