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Fasting Principles
March 2, 2008 | | 2,767 Views
The perfect location to fast is a beach with fresh ocean air, tropical temperatures and peaceful seclusion, but life is not like that. Fasting is usually a response to illness and crisis, often at the hardest times of our lives. I have fasted in minus-40 degrees of a cold, Canadian winter during Christmas, and once, while working on a construction site, and after breaking both heels in an accident. I have fasted from a breakup with someone I loved and for guidance due to financial problems, basically, the worst times of my life. Fasting is perfect for these times because fasting enables a heightened connection with God, a peace of mind that brings clarity, and a quick recovery from illness. The best time to fast is when you need to. During these fasts, I learned some basic principles that help.
1. Do Not Advertise Your Fast
When you make your fast public, you will set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Most people will believe that you are crazy. You look as if you have AIDS! Are you under a doctor’s supervision? You’re going to become protein deficient! If you do not fear fasting, they will supply all the fear you need, and the last thing you need on a fast is fear. It can defeat us before we start or cause us to quit when victory is hours away. If you tell everyone you are going on a 30-day juice fast, you will also feel really bad if you only make two days. Tell one or two people who understand and are willing to support you. Once you get your first fast down pat then be bold for the second fast.
2. Mental Relaxation
Mental relaxation is done through deep relaxed breathing. If you are distracted by sounds that cannot be silenced, use some earplugs. Do not fight with your thinking; just let it go and return to focusing on the one single thought. Stay aware of your breathing and the tension in your body. Breathe deeply and try to relax your muscles. If you can spend 20 minutes of time in relaxing your mind each day, you will be more at peace throughout the day. If you lie on a bed, you will most likely fall asleep. Sitting upright in a chair is good. I prefer kneeling on a cushion and leaning over a chair or my bed as in a position of prayer.
3. Walk in Nature
On a fast, walking in nature is an awe-inspiring experience. It is like seeing for the first time. Colors are alive and vibrant. The skin tingles with a breeze. Clear sinuses detect the most delicate fragrance. Unlike draining electronic TV imagery, connection with nature brings peace to the soul. Even in the worst time, a good walk can bring a sense of balance to chaos.
4. Take a Phone Break
I find it almost impossible not to answer the phone. I always think every call is important and to take the phone line out of the wall is being totally irresponsible. The world clamors for our attention and so to get time uninterrupted, you have to push for it.
5. Sleep
The first few days of a fast your body will want to sleep a lot. Most of us live on the edge, rarely getting enough sleep. During a fast, the body demands more sleep as part of the healing process. Do not ignore it. Take time just to laze around and nap. Pretend you are on vacation. Don’t feel guilty; you are healing. The most vivid dreams are during fasting.
6. Avoid Social Occasions
Birthdays, parties and gatherings always have food and the pressure to eat. I have broken many a fast overestimating my will power and underestimating the power of temptation and pressure.
By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to fasting.ws are intact and the author’s name is included.
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- Shante: Tom, I broke my fast incorrectly by eating fast food. How can i make sure i dont gain too much weight? I know atleast8lbs will come back automatically, but how do i stay there. Is there still time to fix it?
- Amanda Vlahakis: Everyone is doing well still
This is halfway through day five for me, 2pm. I feel fine and decided yesterday evening that I’d attempt some water fasting from today and see how I go. I’ve had nothing but water all day so far and feel fine though my stomach is...
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Ivana, I hear you … Candida is hell and resistant to so many treatments. Water or respected juice fasting helps for a time but it comes back. There are a few medication that are even more effecting during water fasting. Have your tried any? It will need our research team to...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Tiaz, Yes you could go from a 40 day water fast to a juice fast but is is better to start with the juice with supplements for say.. 5 days to boost your nutritional reserves. Go to water for 10 then juice for 3 then water for 10 and keep going. You will get more healing from the...
- Ivana: Hi Tom, I wish I could come, but I don´t live in USA. I live in London and in 2 weeks I´m going back to Slovakia. I have been suffering candida for 4 years… 4 years of medical testing, depression and all the weird things like memory loss, energy lost, weird aches and pains, lost of...
- tiaz: I’ve suffered with polycystic ovaries for years and in the last two months have gained 2.5 stone out of no where. Ive fasted before, done a 30 day water only fast and lost slowly- but managed it. I think I didnt brake my fast as well as I could have. Anyhow, I know have 84lbs to...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Ivana, Come to the center here and work as a volunteer. Mostly you just need airfare and some spending money. There are a few here working through issues, studying and helping out. Radical problems need radical solutions. Read www.compulsive.ws You may need to start on light...
- Ivana: Hi Tom, thank you for your advice. I failed again :-((( Unbelievable sugar and carbs craving. Candida wont leave me alone: everytime I start fasting: depression, anxiety, crying, mood swings, weakness, feeling very cold and hopless and much much more… How come I did it before? I need...
- Karen: I made it another day, no problem, I seem to be on a every 3 hour juice, and am wondering how many calories ? 9:00am apple, carrot,cantaloupe,or ange 12:00pm apple,cucumber,celer y 3:00pm cherry,apple,carrot, strawberry 6:00pm grapefruit,orange,ca rrot,apple I had some juice left so I put...
- Amanda: Wow amazing health results! You must be really pleased. I definitely want to make fasting a part of my life.
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Christina, You do realize there is a limit to this. Fasting uses resources that do run out. Yes fasting is an amazing high, peaceful, and transforming but….. it is like climbing a mountain without supplies. Juicing and eating health between fasting is crucial. 14 day minimum...
- Christina: Hi Tom, It’s me the girl who passed out during the 14 day water fast who had to get stitches; lol. I have to say it has been a nightmare! Not the fasting that is but my ignorant parents have been on my back about fasting like a lot of people who think fasting is a bad thing....
- Casey: Oh I meant do the water fast before the surgery so that hopefully I will not have to even have the surgery.
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- Tom Coghill: HI Tim The “My colon seems blocked, with a mucosy dark hard stool.” is due to the metamucil. It is very mucus forming and slows the fast. Try using an exercise ball for you abdomen. You juice mix is perfect send some over. Enema with water or a tablespoon of sea salt is...
- tim: PPS. I’ve done the master cleanse (Water, lemon juice, maple syrup, cayanne pepper), and I know how small and empty my abdomen gets, which can only help in getting my intestine back into my belly. What I’ m looking for here are specifics. I plan to add wheat grass juice for...
- tim: PS. I juice frech green vegetables; celery, cucumber carrots, gold beets ginger, parsley, and red Kale, would you add/subtract anything? I was also wondering about metimucil, why do you say it isn’t recomended? My colin seems blocked, with a mucosy dark hard stool. I plan on the enema,...
- tim: Tom, do you know of anyone healing an ambilical hernia threw fasting? If so what else did they do? I have a brace to hold pressure on my bulging intestine, and plan on startig slight ‘head sit ups’ to strengthen my abdominal muscles. Any tips would be welcome. Thanks-Tim
11 Aug 2008 at 6:26 am
Hi All, Hi Tom,
I’m finally moved into my new house, and in my last day of preparation for another fast. As usual, I’m a little hyper - super-energised, and a little scared (I always get a little scared before a fast) - but I’m also looking forward to it.
It’s hard sometimes to deal with life while you’re fasting. I’m also a writer (like another woman who posted) and this month is my only full time writing time… I can get SO resistant. I want it to go MY way. I don’t want to have to sleep or lose concentration. I want that wonderful clarity all the time.
But the trick of fasting is always (at least for me) to let go. To experience it as freedom, instead of deprivation. To live on air and water…
Anyway, I’m just checking in. Wish me luck!
PS: I also don’t know if this is a good thread to post in on - but it seems appropriate for general support. Let me know if there’s another thread that would make more sense for you, Tom. D.
Tom Coghill
11 Aug 2008 at 5:25 pm
Hi Ona,
great to see you back. Yea post anywhere. No rules but if you can post under a topic of that discussion that is great.
What do you write????
23 Sep 2008 at 3:50 am
For the first principle, I really understand it, but I found
it hard to apply. I work in a office here in Geneva, and I used to go eating with office fellows. And this week, I told them I won’t join them for lunch. Some ask me why. I told them I was on my bi-annual 7 days fasting. Some looks strange at me, others are interested and ask me for advices to start a fast.
What are your feelings about the first principle when you fast and work at the same time ?
Tom Coghill
23 Sep 2008 at 8:44 am
Hi Fred,
If you advertise you will get some converts but more pressure to eat. If you have will power you can advertise but for most people it is better to be be quiet and avoid the pressures. If you feel good about it keep promoting fasting. I do just that. Now I do not care about opinions.
The recommendation is for newbie fasters.