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How Much Weight Will I Lose?
January 6, 2008 | | 15,451 Views
Many people ask me how much weight they will lose during a fast. I cannot even guess as weight loss during fasting is dependent on many factors, with the main one being metabolism. The slower the metabolism the less weight you will lose but it will be easier to fast. Here are the links of people who have lost weight. Some lose 2 lb a day other less than 1/2 lb.
Read amazing stories of weight loss.
Gray Hodge: Weight Loss 26.5 lbs.
Grace Lang: Weight Loss 21 lbs.
Debbie Ried: Weight Loss 30 lbs.
Carl Wineberg: Weight Loss 140 lbs.
Ron Harrison: Weight Loss 40 lbs.
Elaine Harrison: Weight Loss 40lbs.
Brian Chason: Weight Loss 28 lbs.
Paul Erwin: Weight Loss 12lbs.
Paul Erwin: Weight Loss 12lbs.
Steph White: Weight Loss 25 lbs.
You may also interested about the danger of Weight Loss Supplements.
Read about different types of weight loss procedures.
By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to fasting.ws are intact and the author’s name is included.
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- Discover Juice Fasting (111)
- Tom Coghill: Hi JamieL The enema reduces hunger and speeds healing and weightloss. Not necessary.
- jamieL: I would like to try fasting, but really do not want to do the whole enema thing. Things like that really creep me out. Is it strictly necessary, or does it just make the process easier?
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (450)
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Tomika Natural chicken broth does not have many calories so a cup a day would be fine. Better to heat carrot and beet, then at hotsauce and worstershire sauce. The packet chicken broth is mostly chemicals.
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- SbInstructor: Sorry it has been so long everyone I was up camping in duluth Day 11-14 Weight: 220lbs Drinks: Just water, Orange Juice, Apple Juice Other: none
- kittylovee: Hi Brenda, I have been following your amazing fasting journey since day 1. You give me so much hope that I can also achieve a 30 days fast. The longest fast that I have ever done was 11 days with soy milk. I know you feel offended by what Tom said ealier. But please dont. I have been...
- Tomika: I woke up really thirsty today…and im very very tired. and i had im trying to ignore these hunger pangs…
- Tom Coghill: Notice.. serious internet problems and slow connection at the present. If i missed something I should respond post it.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Nikki, This is the problem of water fasting for the first fast off a toxic diet. It is a trip to hell. With juice fasting you can get passed it in 3 days then go two water without any suffering. Do not get down on yourself feel good about what you have done.
- Brenda: Nikki, I am proud of you! You have tried very sonsistently & had to do what you felt best. Even after all that you still see the benefits and are planning the juicing & whole foods (good for you!) You have been a great blessing to me as well Nikki. You have put a name & a...
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- Tomika: Hello guys…i am starting over with a juice diet/fresh fruit/veggies… i failed my last attempt. This time i am 3 days strong and my starting weight was 250. I had a baby 5 months ago and i have all this unwanted fat that i want to get rid of. And i also want to try and stay...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda, Generally speaking is all I can do. So do not take offense as there was no insult intended. Being specific takes a lot of time and I do not have that luxury. I also do not have the background data and medical records. Considering your negative experiences, a time of juice...
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- natacha h.: hello.. again after 16 days alternating between water fasting and juice fasting, i binged yesterday and today i am not feeling well at all… my main goal in fasting is lose weight…i have around 60 pounds to lose (i already lost 40 since june 1)… i love the feeling...
- Karen: Hi Tom I am on Day 1 of my juice fast. I am a returning faster. I did the first fast in May for 35 days. I did not find it too difficult at all . I lost 30 pounds and have continued to loose a couple pounds a week since. I do not eat meat now, which was not really my intention, but I...
- Tom Coghill: Jazzmomy The first few days of fasting will tell you more about weightloss than any guess I could make. For headaches you can try the herb feverfew or tylenol works and does not affect the fast.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Katie Yes increased energy happens with many people on a water fast. You have a slow metabolism and overeating burdens the body to digest then produce fat. When you stop eating the body is not burdened by digestion and fat is easy converted to calories. The result can be energy...
- Jazzmomy: Hi Tom, Thanks for your kind reply.Today i am on 7th day of my juice fasting.I take about 8oz of (cantaloupe+half an apple+3strawberries) juice by around 11.30 in morning.Rest of the time i have only water.I took an enema on 4th day. I have lost 11 lbs so far.Feeling good.I am also...
- Katie: Hey everyone! I am on day 6 of my water fast and shockingly I feel FANTASTIC! The first four days I was hungry but yesterday I woke up and noticed that there was no hunger. I have to say, it is really odd not being hungry since I have lived most of my life focused on when I would next eat....
- becky: Oh, and I’m a 5′9″ ectomorph and currently weigh 142 lbs. I also wanted to mention I quit coffee on day 3 of my fast (7 days ago) and I’m doing fine without it. Ok, I really think that’s all for now!
- becky: Hello from Maine, USA! Been lurking at this wonderful sight for a couple weeks now – finally registered so I can share. I’m on Day 10 of my vegetable juice fast. I decided to fast because of many reasons: severe chronic migraines since I was 12 years old (I’m 34 now) that...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jazzmony, Sure you can take clomid during the fast. I would stick to juice fasting as it has greater therapeutic value. A 30 day juice fast healed my sex drive that was destroyed by drug abuse when I was young and it may cure infertility. Add some vitamin E and essential oils.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kdrocha, Herbal teas do not have any calories or very few and the body detoxifies at the maximum rate.
- Jazzmomy: Hi Tom, Thanks a lot for such a wonderful site. Im very new to this and now im on 3rd day of my fasting. I take 2 cups of juice ie one veggie on mornings and one fruit on evening.Rest of the time i take water when i feel thirsty. I was 176.4lbs when i started and today im 171 lbs. My...
- kdarocha: Hi Tom, I am on day 3 of a water fast (okay, water and tea). I have completed water (and tea) fasts in the past that were as long as 12 days. My goal this time is to go until I am through with detox. I am not sure how long that will take and am wondering, is the tea (it’s organic...
- marieat: Day 1 Weight: 258 Oil Pulling, Water, 2 cups oolong tea & 4 tablets Herbs & Prunes I hate losing and re-losing the same weight. Yet that is what I’ve been doing. I feel called to a long water fast. The mental hunger is what trips me up, but I feel this is the right time for...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Marieat Great to have you with us. Post your progess please.
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- Katie: To everyone who struggles with a food addiction, you can break it with God! I have struggled with overeating since I was 7. I remember the first time I did it. I remember how much I used to love eating and eating, and the pleasure it brought. I was a gluttonous selfish person and was...
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- greatjassy84: Anyone living in Canada looking for a fasting buddy for support? please contact me. I am female, 25 yrs old!
- Intestinal Bacteria Replacement After Fasting (24)
- BBdfate: okay ima keep trying thanks alot for the response.
- Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate, Taking a multi B during a juice fast is excellent. Usually fasting causes various pains throughout the body. 1, during catabolism breaking down fat or cellular tissue releases some toxic stuff into the blood that irritates the muscles. There an also be a deeper healing...
- Tom Coghill: BBdfate, Lots of water is not important as without digestion the body does not need much water unless you are sweating. Yes use the enema once per day for the first 3 day then every 2 or third day after that. Spring or distilled water is good.
- Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate, My internet is cutting out so here is the 4 th time to answer your post. The tongue changes color throughout the fast and can be coated after 60 days of juice fasting.
- BBdfate: ive never actually been diagnosed with a b12 deficiency but was just thinking maybe that is the cause. have you seen people with kidney problems have pain in the back of the neck, im really worried
- BBdfate: Tom, im really worried i been having pain in my neck. Maybe it is from B12 deficiency. does weak kidney cause neck pain from your experiences?
- BBdfate: o ok i c. as soon as you told me the things to use i went to the supermarket this morning i bought some eggs, bananas, garlic, ginger, celery, cucumber. it is a strong drink i must add. hard tod rink. very hard to drink. the eggs and bannas could be of great use if i am dealing with b...
- Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate, Tongue color changes through the fast. Best is to fast until you are feeling amazing. After 50 days of juice fasting the tongue can still be coated.
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (553)
- kdarocha: I am looking for a fasting buddy. I am on day 3 as of the 13th of August. My buddy doesn’t have to be on the same day as me, just doing a water fast so we can hang in there together! email me at kdarocha gmail.com
- Stomach Ulcers Remedies-Fasting (13)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Samm, A great investment is an exercise ball. We just set up a small gym at our detox center in Sagada and ouch my stomach hurts. We have a cools workout system that we are going to publish. Cheap and easy to make. Thanks for the tip I will add it to the page. What kind of aloe...
- Samm: Hi Tom, I just saw the the stomach ulcers article.Aahh, that’s why the milk and bananas worked for me, lucky guess huh. However, I’m lactose intolerant, so after a while I got tired of living in the bathroom and swithed to rice milk and aloe vera. Your article is silent on aloe...
23 Aug 2008 at 6:04 pm
I have severe anemia …Can a person with anemia juice fast for 30 days? I was told I could not fast is this true?
Tom Coghill
23 Aug 2008 at 6:16 pm
Hi Micheline,
For anemia, the protcol is blackstrap molasses tea made with by mixing it with hot water as it is high in iron. Vegetable juices with beets, and greens from a juice extractor. 10 to 35 days of juice fasting is recommended.
With, vitamin E 1200 IU daily, B complex,and any supplement recommend for the condition.
23 Aug 2008 at 6:34 pm
Wow..thanks for the fast reply
That’s great news. What juice fast do you recommend for me to follow as I want to go on a 30 day fast.
Tom Coghill
23 Aug 2008 at 11:52 pm
Hi Micheline, I would stick to mostly veggies with carrots beets, apples, lemons, peppers cucumbers, garlic, ginger and greens. The green stuff has chlorophyll and it is almost the same molecular structure as hemoglobin and has been know to help anemia. You can also buy it in a bottle and add it to the juice.
26 Aug 2008 at 2:11 am
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Just checking in… (& I just spent 20 mintues looking for my last post, but I can’t find it… didn’t make a note of what category it went in… Duh).
This fast is pretty d**m tough. I have to say. A lot of different things coming up – real life interfering (grrr) – getting the flu… You know, *stuff*.
In any case, the upshot is, I’ve been sort of alternating between full water days (well, plus herb teas, etc – no sugar), and “last prep” days (add in some clean protien, usually fish).
Additionally, my scale is completely f****d. It jumped 10 kilos a few days ago (about 22 pounds – not a possible weight gain under any circumstances) – so I’m trying to let ‘results be my guru’ and I’m having a hard time trusting my results.
Also a water fast when you’re doing a lot of physical labour is tough – even for a very slow burner like me. (For a fast burner, like you Tom, it probably just isn’t to be done).
Still, good things. No dizziness (until today when my blood pressure went down to 106/62!!! Crazy! I’m usually a steady 120/80). Not much trouble doing the physical work, except that my body is much more frequently saying “hey, give me something! – protein preferably” No bread or sugar cravings. Hmm… Hard to find the good things. Except that the fast is not disrupting my life too much – but I’m letting my life disrupt it more than I usually do.
So my body feels really betwixt & between right now… I’m realy annoyed that I had to take a break, because two weeks ago I was really in the zone… And I’m just having a hard time getting back there.
Oh well, it’s important to note that good days and bad days are just part of the deal… And s*** happens – like my wife coming home with the flu on my last day of prep or the kitchen wall needing to come down on my first full water day.
So thanks for being there to check in with…
26 Aug 2008 at 2:13 am
Hi Guys,
The site turned my blood pressure readings into Russian telephone numbers. Don’t call them! They are blood pressure readings!
Tom Coghill
26 Aug 2008 at 2:35 am
Hi Ona,
I was wondering about the Russian accent when I called. For me water fasting and hard work…. Impossible. The zone is illusive. Thanks for the post with lots of details and these days it is the details that make the science.
01 Sep 2008 at 1:30 am
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Well, this is the fast that just wasn’t… I just can’t quite get there. Almost every day I eat something – not much: a cup of chicken broth, 80gr of tuna… but something. And I’m well past the stage where normally Im not feeling hungry.
I’m trying to listen to my body – and I don’t eat unless my body *really* insists. But that happens at least once a day (well, most days – I’ve had a couple days without anything but water and unsweetened herb tea). Frustrating!
Usually for me, it’s pretty easy to ease into a fast, it’s like walking down the steps into a pool: I eat less and less and less and finally nothing – but this time I just can’t get off that last step.
It *is* true that I’m putting on quite a bit of muscle – what with the construction in the house. I’m relatively active for a 50 year old professor, but when I went to my chiropractor recently, she thought I’d been going to the gym. So I’ve definitely bulked up – especially my back, shoulders and upper arms.
It’s possible that the protien cravings are simply my body insisting on what it needs to build the new muscle – but I want to scream at it: Use Fat! Use Fat!
In any case… that’s where I am. Sort of half-fasting… & doing protein instead of juice when it’s too much. Not loosing too much weight (none in the last three days), but not gaining either, which is a plus for me. (Yes, Tom, I’m a *VERY* slow burner!)
So as always, thanks for being there. Tom, if you know any tricks to help me over that last hump, let me know… Otherwise, I’ll just keep on keeping on. (At least I’m pretty happy – not nearly as down as I was a while ago).
Tom Coghill
01 Sep 2008 at 4:16 am
Hi Ona,
The first fast is the easiest. The second and third get harder. I use the enema as it takes away all desire for food. The effect is instant and works every time.
But the good news is good. Muscles and no weight gain. So you are losing fast but your weight will not change. And muscle is heavier than fat.
25 Sep 2008 at 12:30 pm
Hi all, I am on a 20 day water fast,I just started 3 days ago and at first I was scared. The funny thing was that I wasn’t hungry and i’m still not hungry and i’m just wondering if thats normal because I thought I was supposed to be starving by now. I can say though I just had my first dizzy spell about 30 minutes ago and I did what the site told me to do, got on one knee and took a cuple of seep breaths and it went away. O ther then that, i’m fine. One thing that does concern me tom is that I haven’t had a bowel movement.. Is that normal?? My legs were kinda achey and sometimes I felt really tired but other then that I feel full of energy. I never thought I could do it but by the grace of god i’m good
Tom Coghill
25 Sep 2008 at 3:35 pm
Hi Tah
Lack of hunger is normal during fasting. It is an effect of catabolsim. You will not have regular bowel movement but may have stools every few days. I recommend an enema but is it not crucial. Achy muscles are normal during catabolism. The detox is cyclic so energy will come and go with more energy the longer you fast. Document your fast for publication on the Fasting Network.
26 Sep 2008 at 3:20 am
I am about to (attempt to!) undergo a two-week water fast. I’ve never fasted before and I know that for first timers a juice fast is recommended but I really want to throw myself into this to see how much I can handle and properly clean-out my body, obviously with the hope of losing weight, too. Is this OK to do?
Also, what is the advice on drinking alcohol during fasting? Like say during a juice fast, would drinking say vodka and cranberry juice be OK or totally damaging to the fast? As a student, most of my socializing revolves around alcohol and although I will try to avoid it during this water fast, I was just wondering what the guidelines on this are in general?
Thanks a lot, this is a great site that has given me the final push to do something I have always wanted/ felt I NEEDED to do for a long time but never had the confidence or knowledge on how to go about it.
26 Sep 2008 at 10:39 am
Thanks for answering me back tom, I went to the store to purchase a enema but you said it’s not crucial. In that cause maybe I shouldn’t use it right now but if not now when should i used it. Secondly, this is my first enema and the one I have is saline laxative that goes into your anus but then they had the one with the sticks… which one would you recommand. Lastly, where exactly would I go to document my fast, I know you said the fasting network but is it within this site
Tom Coghill
26 Sep 2008 at 3:56 pm
Hi Rachel,
Yea I remember those days. LOL. Trying to repair the damage of partying with fasting yet not lose out on the fun. From experience, the impact of alcohol in a fasting state if far different than when you are eating.
1. The high is more intense but you come down faster.
2. the hangover is far worse.
3. The impact to sleep cycles is more intense.
5. Dehydration is more intense on a much smaller amount of alcohol.
6. It is more of a head buzz than a tire body effect but the after effect is feeling dirty and out of it.
If you do drink alcohol during a fast do it in the interest of science and post it. Write a paper on your experience. Record amounts and times, and effect.
I already paid my dues to science.
True science is unbiased and unashamed. Everything else is promotion.
Tom Coghill
26 Sep 2008 at 4:02 pm
Hi Tah,
Just email it to us with any pics, such as full body before and after, scans of medical documents if you are fasting for healing, and we will put it together and publish it. You can add any research links or your site if you have one. The best enema looks like a water bottle and uses about a quart of plain water. Usually found in a pharmacy or medical supply shop. Use it 3 times at the start of a fast and every second day after that replacing the intestinal bacteria as recommended on this site, on the last use of the enema.
27 Sep 2008 at 11:18 am
ok tom, i’m on my fifth day and my stomach is growling alot now, i have no energy and i’m supposed to go to a gathering.. For energy I took a shot(when i say shot i mean a shot glass but it was much smaller.. about half way full a regular shot glass)of 100 percent juice. It includes the following :apples banana kiwi fruit mango a hint of pineapple spirulina chlorella broccoli spinach blue green algae garlic barley grass wheat grass ginger and parsley. Now tom I didn’t make it myself it came from a store but nothing was added to it. My question is, was that an ok move to make i just need half of a shot to stop the growling
Tom Coghill
27 Sep 2008 at 4:08 pm
Hi Tah,
Sure, that is fine. For water fasting for healing I recommend a small amount of raw sugar with lemon juice. 2 or three glasses a day.
13 Oct 2008 at 10:37 pm
Hi, Im 20 and weigh 155 lbs. I was wanting to go on the water fast and was wondering for how many days I should do it for. I want to be able to weigh 120-130 again.
Tom Coghill
14 Oct 2008 at 2:34 pm
Hi Casey
Juice fasting will help anemia. Make some blackstrap tea with hot water and 3 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses for the iron content. You can easily lose 20 lb on a fast. Try a 21 day juice fast.
14 Oct 2008 at 9:08 pm
Well, I’m not anemic… I just want to lose some weight. Also, what kind of juices should I drink on a juice fast and am I allowed to just buy them at the store like the orange juice and apple juice?
Tom Coghill
14 Oct 2008 at 10:09 pm
Hi Casey
For weight loss store bought juices will work. Drink the minimum to maintain strength. Acid juice can upset the stomach if you drink too much. Sip them.
17 Oct 2008 at 4:29 pm
Hi, I’m trying to join the military and I’m above my optimum weight. I’m researching fasting as a way to meet my goal of 175 lbs. (currently 195 lbs.). Do I need to be concerned about losing muscle mass? I don’t have enough as it is, heh.
Tom Coghill
17 Oct 2008 at 8:26 pm
Hi Ted,
You will lose some but it comes back quickly after the fast. You can take 10 egg whites a day and drink only juice and train like a mad man if you want cuts and muscles. Do 30 days. Blend them into the juice.
30 Dec 2008 at 2:43 pm
Hi Tom,
I have been reading your site and it is very interesting.
I would like to start a 30 day fast and my only concern is that I am on these meds baclofen and vicodin for back buldges. Will these mess up the fast?
Or can I continue to take them while fasting?
I do plan to fast on juice with some water days inbetween.
Please write back when you have time
Tom Coghill
30 Dec 2008 at 5:48 pm
Hi Xandra,
Those are heavy duty drugs. You can see the impact of a drug based on the withdrawals. The long-term effect of these drug will not be good. Surgery is a wise choice if you can afford it. I had disc bulge and surgery many years ago and I no longer in pain. Yoga and decompressing the spine by pulling on one leg or pressing down the pelvis in the right direct can make a huge difference in pain. I have relieved several patients of pain with this spinal decompression technique. Sure you can take the drugs and juice fast but not with water fasting. There are many exercises that can also have great benefit in pain reduction. Water fasting and taking these drugs can damage your stomach lining. Take them with juice.
13 Jan 2009 at 12:03 pm
Hey Tom,
I’ve read A LOT of great information on this website and I’m glad to have resources like this to assist me in my juice fast process! I am doing the fast mostly for weight loss but I also want to kick my bad habbits of eating greasy/fatty/ICKY foods. I am on the second day of my juice fast and I’m actually not too hungry, but I REALLY want some food. I am 5′9″ and I weigh about 205. I want to lose about 50-60 lbs. I must have some muscle hiding under my fat because I have a friend who is the same height as me and weighs about 175 but I look thinner than her….odd huh? What I really want to know is what I need to do to lose weight and lose it fast. I walked (with minimul jogging) on the tredmill yesterday for about 1.5 miles and I think I’ll do the same- maybe more- today. I have been extracting mostly fruits as I do not care for vegetables- should I be juicing more veggies then fruits? Thanks in advance for the help!!!
05 Feb 2009 at 8:45 am
Would you recommend doing an apple fast for 2 weeks, or would that be too long?
17 Feb 2009 at 12:58 pm
Hi Tom
Thinking of doing a fast but just concerned about having bad breath as I work
with the public….can I chew some gum throughout the day?
Thanks so much
Tom Coghill
17 Feb 2009 at 7:04 pm
Hi Jane,
Gum will work or chew on a sprig of parsley.
21 Mar 2009 at 3:54 pm
Hello Tom
I am on my 2nd day of fasting. Pretty much a water fast with vitamins. I plan on fasting for 2 weeks or there abouts since I have had luck with it in the past. I have fasted about 8 times in my life and most of the time its in the spring. For me, it gives me energy and an overall sense of well being.
My first fast was while in the Marines and I was 8 pounds over my weight limit. After a 10 day fast with only water and a small protien shake every morning I lost 24 pounds and 8″ off my waist. This is with a little excercise but not much.
My question, should I ditch the vitamins and go to sugar water with lemon added?
Tom Coghill
21 Mar 2009 at 6:39 pm
Hi Chris,
You can take the vitamins if they are not causing stomach upset. Generally, you do not take vitamins during water fasting. You can use the sweetened lemonaid to help get through the low energy times. Fasting is a flexible process of detoxification. Your system is clearly working.
07 Apr 2009 at 6:42 pm
Hi, Tom, I am a 22 year old mother to my 4 year old son. I weigh 350 pounds right now. I have gained over 100 pounds in the last 4 years since giving birth to my son. I am hoping to help shrink my stomach in order to make a longterm life change and get my weight back on track. I do not have unrealistic goals. Once all is said and done I wish to weigh about 175-180 pounds. I am 5 foot 9. so to me this is a realistic goal. I just want to be healthy for my son. I do not have any health problems, basically healthy other than the weight. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for my first fasting experience? Or advice as to how I should go about taking the first steps? thank you in advance. And I really need your help.
07 Apr 2009 at 7:01 pm
Hi again, I was also wondering how often a fast is recommended? Can it be done successfully more than once a year? I am getting on track and am starting to exercise regularly, I was wondering if it is acceptable to go on a fast every 5 months or so? Just curious. thank you for your time. I am wanting to have another child, yet have not seemed to become pregnant since my son was born in March of 2005. My husband and I would love another child. I think the key is going to be my weight loss. I need to become a healthier person. Becasue I have no energy right now, I don’t get to get out much to play with my son. Please give me some advice.
Tom Coghill
09 Apr 2009 at 5:57 pm
Hi Laura,
With 350 lb of weight on your frame you could easily do a 60 day water fast. I do recommend starting with juice and alternating between juice and water or have a few glasses of juice every day. You weight gain may be hormonal. The juices may reestablish normal hormone balance. If you have compulsive eating issues, a long fasting is not recommended on the first fast.
13 Apr 2009 at 4:27 pm
Currently I do not own a juicer, but this is an item i am saving for. Could i start on bottled juices? And if so which brands or types would you reccomend for the first week or so until i am able to get the juicer. i am excited about this and I am ready to start my health rehabilitation. Thank you for your adivce and I am looking forward to reporting my experiences and progression.
Tom Coghill
13 Apr 2009 at 9:38 pm
Hi Laura,
The best juices are found in a health food store but supermarkets now have healthy juices. What juice is a matter of taste.
I love pineapple. We would love to hear any info about your fast.
15 Apr 2009 at 10:34 am
You can always go to the Goodwill or a Second Hand store to get a juicer. I got a Juiceman Jr. for 6 dollars at the Goodwill. It works like a champ!!! I would suggest while saving for a juicer to go to the Goodwill!
16 Apr 2009 at 7:22 pm
Thanks so much kim. I have found a few juice choices to start on. I wanted to make sure i sampled them to see if i could make myself drink them or not. i have found a carton juice that is 100% from concentrate pineapple orange and i love it. just scared i could drink too much LOL! i also tried a berry mixed juiced i think it was called naked juice or somethig like that but it has a blend of 6 different fruits. Watermelon, apple, strawberry, white grapes, and 2 that i forgot. But it wasn’t that bad but at the same time it was a 12 oz bottle and cost me 2.88 for it alone. I think i will be sticking with my pineapple and orange and drink apple now and then. I love water, so i will be alternating with that as well. Almost ready to start on this interesting journey. Just making sure i have what i need. i think i am only going to try a 21 day or maybe 28 days not sure, but when i succeed i will do it again in a few months. I love salad, so i will be eating salad for main meals after i go through my detox. Thanks for all the help.
16 Apr 2009 at 7:26 pm
i have purchased a 100% natural herbal tea that is caffeine free it is called Celestial and i will try this with honey as well. Any other good suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
17 Apr 2009 at 8:19 pm
Hey Tom
I’m on day 4 of 21 of my first water fast. How much weight can I expect to lose during the fast? I’m a normal weight now, but I don’t want to become too skinny. I’m around 138lbs and 5′8″
24 Apr 2009 at 6:18 am
I am starting a water fast today. I tried to fast several times, but I can never make it through the second day. Do you have any advice or recommendations that can help?
Also the main reason why I am doing this water fast is because I developed a binge eating habit, and I fear I will develop full-blown bulimia. I am extremely health conscious and during the day my diet is as a good as it gets, but at night I have these urges to eat. I really want to regulate my eating, and not fall into the traps of this horrible disease. My motivations to fast were that I would break the everyday cycle, the habits, have a chance for a fresh start, decrease the size of my stomach and more importantly that I would relearn how to deal with my problems without food. In short, I feel the need to abstain for a food for a little while because I have been using it as an addict. Do you think fasting will help or just make things worst?
24 Apr 2009 at 12:20 pm
I am in the same situation as Carina. I want to do a 7-10 day fast to break my binging habit and start fresh. What can I do to ensure I don’t break the fast until i complete it?
Tom Coghill
24 Apr 2009 at 6:01 pm
Hi Carina,
Water fasting for 2 to 3 days can help if you get time alone and do some soul searching. Spending some time in prayer has never hurt anyone and can help you get to the root issues of your life. Juice fasting is recommended for people with compulsive eating issues. It is safer and rebuilds the damage from binging, or compulsive eating. Everyone who lacks discipline and is addicted to food have self-esteem issues. You need to rebuild your self-image by repeating positive thoughts until it affects your subconscious.
Tom Coghill
24 Apr 2009 at 6:14 pm
Hi Jorie,
It would be a mistake to do a 7 to 10 day water fast to end compulsive eating. One person did do it and did get free but it is risky as if you blow the fast you will end off in a worst state. Juice fasting is the best and juicing daily for LIFE will help greatly. When you fast get quiet soul searching time. Write out what you feel and see if is real. You can see your thoughts during fasting, and feel the emotions that are driving them. Fasting is not a bandaid it is transformational. Yet the process of soul searching is very painful. Like cleaning a basement that is full of 10 years of dusty old junk. Fasting can be a trip to the basement of your soul were the junk is kept. Good time to pray. Good time be be thankful. A good time to ask your self what is my value? If you are not living the life you want, what would you have to sacrifice to get it. Where do you what to be 5 years from now. Compulsive eating is a symptom of living in an emotional storm. To find peace, you must be still in the storm.
20 May 2009 at 9:41 am
Im thinking about fasting I have no idea what to do how it works or what. I want to lose weight I currently weigh 180 I want to get down to 150. How long would it take for that to be reached? What is water fasting and juice fasting please help me? do I exercise while Im fasting? thanks in advance
Tom Coghill
20 May 2009 at 5:32 pm
Slow down and read, it is all on the site. ex do a site search for weight loss rates
20 May 2009 at 9:07 pm
You and I sound like we are pretty much in the same boat. I weighed 250lb in April (for my bday on April 16). I swore I would not going into my 30’s next year being fat. Also I have a 7 year old stepson that does not eat right(thanks to his mom and her McD’s family) he cannot even run a few steps without being out of breath. He isnt overweight(yet) but I think he is malnutritioned. I figured I cannot tell him to eat right if I dont and I want to be able to enjoy running around and keeping him active.
My email is syndy21@yahoo.com
I would love to correspond with you. Technically this is day one of my water only fast since yesterday (Tuesday) I sort of started that Master Cleanse but did not go thru the whole day.
10 Jun 2009 at 11:09 pm
Hi, I am 28 and weigh 183 pounds, I have been on a water fast for 3 day’s and have lost 14 pound’s and just wat to know if this is normal. Also I wake up a lot during the night, about 2 or 3 times, I didn’t do this before the fast.
Tom Coghill
11 Jun 2009 at 3:23 pm
Hi Josephine
Restless sleep and bad dreams are common on day 1 to 3 of the fasting and can also occur during a detox event. Your weightloss at almost 5lb a day would be the envy of many women. I have seen faster weightloss rates but usually 2lb is the top limit and that only lasts for about 5 days max then the rate drops as the fast continues.
21 Jun 2009 at 10:13 am
Hi Tom ,
this site is very interesting , i am planning to go on a fast to help my health (feeling quite sluggish tired and bloated) i am overweight 238lbs and have lost a little in 6 weeks 7lbs i would like to know which fast would be most benficial to me ? i am active , i do a fair bit of walking and exercise, i am happy to stick at this as long as i have to as it is more a life style change than a quick fix i am after. I look forward to your posting .
Tracy x
Tom Coghill
21 Jun 2009 at 4:09 pm
Hi Tracy,
I always recommend starting and ending with juice fasting and alternation days of water fasting. 30 day using a juicer will transform your life.