
Kim Lee. Lost 21lbs. Healed caffeine addiction, high blood pressure.

October 17, 2008 | | 2,734 Views

Juice Fasting Testimony 21 days: Weight Loss: 21lbs. Healed:caffeine addiction, high blood pressure Location: Oshawa, ON, Canada It started like any other conversation. I was in the gym working on the shoulder press when this guy asked if he could “work... 


Recent Comments:

  • Starting a Juice Fasting (10)
    • Laura: Hello Tom, Tomorrow is my first fasting and I believe I am ready for it, its going to be a Juice Fasting or should I call it a liquid fasting? My question is: What do you think about Protein Shakes during my fasting? My fast is a Spiritual One, I dont have health or weight issues. Could I...
    • JenC: Hi Tom, I haven’t heard a reply and am now on day 2 of my planned 7-day juice fast. I’ll like your advise on how much Acidophilus/Bifidus capsules I should be taking when breaking the fast and over how many days. Thanks so much for all your advice!
  • Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (351)
    • Ron: Hi Amanda! I made it thru my first 3 days in a row on just water, then I OD’ed on juice! LOL The first 14 days of fasting were pretty good for me, besides the usual detox effects. But then I started to get hungry. I realized I had to cope and told myself: I know what the food I’m...
    • Karen: Hi Amanda, sounds like your doing great ! I’m doing fine today, day 7 for me. I don’t really feel much different today, just a little hungry. I was thinking I might try to water fast a couple days but not sure about that. We’ll see. How are you doing today Alexandra ?
    • Amanda Vlahakis: Thanks for asking in Karen, I’m definitely fine and think I might have the metal to go the full 11 days I’ve planned. Funny what you should say about being sick of juice Ron! After my 4 days of juice fasting I decided that I might as well try water fasting because I...
    • Karen: Sorry to hear about nausea, that is the worst ! I don’t think I could make it on one glass of juice, and I do good to get in a 20 minute yoga and a short walk. I am really hungry tonight at day 6, wondering if I am going to be able to sleep. Don’t too discouraged with the...
    • Alexandra: This is the end of my 8h day and I had one glass of carrot-celery-apple juice all day. My nausea is not going anywhere! It is now really difficult to endure. Nausea is very difficult. I am of course sticking to it yet it is fast becoming a quite unpleasant experience. I am supposed to...
    • Karen: I am experiencing hot, cold this afternoon and also very dry irritated throat. ?? Other than that so far sticking to it, even with cooking for others.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Latisha, Smoothes are a great diet but make you hungry. You can get a juicer at the thrift shops for $5. But if you make fruit blends for a month you will feel great.
    • Karen: I have tried a hydroxycut (spelling ? ) a few times and noticed it did help some in the beginning, however I think once my body got used to it and after time it didn’t seem to do much,at least I didn’t notice any change in craving food. I was also concerned about what it might...
  • Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (332)
    • RebeccaXX: Thanks Tom, On my first two days, I lost a total of 6 lbs. I’m so happy with that and although I’m very hungry and lack energy, It’s a lot better then the feeling I get then when I eat some of the things I eat. I’m just afraid of how I will feel once I got back...
    • Audra: Hi Everyone!!..Today is day 19 of my water fast!! I still cant believe I’ve made it this far..never in my life would i have imagined this. I’m down a total of 23 lbs so far..and the weight is barley coming of now..but its not about the weight loss anymore for me. Its about a...
  • Discover Juice Fasting (93)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Nate, Yes you can use marijuana during fasting but the hunger is intense. It will increase the effect of pain medications. We have tried it a pain relieve in combination with painkillers and it works but … the hunger is hard to endure.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Nate, Fasting will not heal a herniated disc. It will reduce pain and inflammation but it will be worse during the fast. Leg raising exercises will help and can drastically reduce pain. Surgery is the best choice.
    • Nate: Oh one more thing… Have you ever seen herniated discs heal as a result of fasting?
    • Nate: Hey Tom, I’ve been juice fasting for 9 days now. I am 24, overweight, and have two herniated discs in my back. Anyway, I just got prescribed medical marijuana but I hesitant to use it, as I am not a marijuana user. However, I’m reaching my breaking point. I don’t want to...
    • Tom Coghill: Tim Try doing a headstand yoga style. The hands are clasped between the back of the head. Try laying back on a medicine ball and doing leg raises that may help for now. Surgery is the best bet.
  • Fasting Club Jan 2009 (321)
    • natalia: hi everyone! :) it has been really interesting reading everyones posts! i have fasted many times before unfortunately never getting past day 4! :( i really want to complete a 2 week water fat starting tomorrow. i just don’t seem to have the will power to keep at it which really...

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Quote From the Books

At the end of the 17-day fast, a physical problem was gone. My doctor had told me I had a stomach reflex disease and would have to take pills for the rest of my life, but after the fast I no longer had that disease; I was completely healed. Thanks Tom, your books and support was fabulous. — Grace Lang

Fasting Discipline organs digestive problems How to Fast digestion Constipation and indigestion fail Weight Loss Programs poor memory face swollen cholesterol Fasting Research Prayer & Fasting nuts fasting limit lymphatic system tomato juice Colds long fasts overweight and miserable Fasting & Weight Loss Sinus problem champion juicer fasting supervision Skin Problems severe cramps low vitality bottled tomato juice fasting program juice fasting testimony frozen concentrates rheumatoid arthritis in hands the caffiene habit fit for life back pain milk weight gain Cankers fasting cannibas cancer reduced flexibility spine bloodstream Fasting & Healing candy addiction heightened vigor ebook making decisions A Fasting Intro Fasting & Detoxification lungs Research Sources vitamins and mineral sense of achievement natural sugars menstraul cramps bottled mango juice juice fast fasting club Juicer Reviews Blackouts swelling ankles feet depression high blood pressure anxiety surges of energy too thin dairy diet juicer stiff spine Juice Fasting failure heavy milk drinker heavy salt use Featured self-discipline ebook ebook fight cravings nutrients alcoholism recovery calcium addiction ebook desaster obsessive thinking ebook liver Tiredness Supplements Review Breaking A Fast Fasting & Addiction Detoxification water retention freedom Cancer Treatments potassium does cannibas cure cancer bottled apple juice injured tail bone fasting kidneys allergies ebook self-encouragement enzymes spiritual renewal catabolism Stories & Testimonies stomach cramps Bad Breath fasting anorexia swollen ankles feet Juice Recipes cannibas extended fasting white bread consumption drugs cannibas cancer treatment What Causes Weight Gain weeping ulcers bloated stomach stiffness spine addicted to coffee raw foods Support Fasting is to Eat Your Fat Cells spiritual arthritis hands Cancer Research losing half a pound per day body image brain dizziness extensive fasting caffeine addiction Weight Loss extreme fasting excessive thin very skinny Fasting Problems Questions & Answers stomach reflex disease arm ulcer cells Candida Water Fasting middle age spread Headaches Colon Cleansing premenstrual milk addiction ebook Lose weight ebook fresh juice acidic juice bottled juice Medical Fraud milk drinking