Fasting Support for Christin L.March 27, 2008 | | 2,206 Views I am ready to undertake a 30 day juice fast. I plan to start on February 1st. I began eating raw this past Monday and my roommate and I purchased a Champion juicer which will be arriving in the mail tomorrow. I am 29 and I live in San Diego, California....
Recent Comments:
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (347)
- Alexandra: This is the end of my 8h day and I had one glass of carrot-celery-apple juice all day. My nausea is not going anywhere! It is now really difficult to endure. Nausea is very difficult. I am of course sticking to it yet it is fast becoming a quite unpleasant experience. I am supposed to...
- Karen: I am experiencing hot, cold this afternoon and also very dry irritated throat. ?? Other than that so far sticking to it, even with cooking for others.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Latisha, Smoothes are a great diet but make you hungry. You can get a juicer at the thrift shops for $5. But if you make fruit blends for a month you will feel great.
- Karen: I have tried a hydroxycut (spelling ? ) a few times and noticed it did help some in the beginning, however I think once my body got used to it and after time it didn’t seem to do much,at least I didn’t notice any change in craving food. I was also concerned about what it might...
- Alexandra: Hi Karen, Yes, you know what it is not so “crazy”. I knew about coffee scrub for cellulite and Tom here advised me to do the same. I also read that was Halle Berry’s big thing for cellulite. What I didn’t know was to mix it with sea salt. But again, sea salt...
- Latisha: Can you make smoothies? Just Ice and fruit and veggies. I dont have a juicer thats why Im asking
- Discover Juice Fasting (91)
- Nate: Oh one more thing… Have you ever seen herniated discs heal as a result of fasting?
- Nate: Hey Tom, I’ve been juice fasting for 9 days now. I am 24, overweight, and have two herniated discs in my back. Anyway, I just got prescribed medical marijuana but I hesitant to use it, as I am not a marijuana user. However, I’m reaching my breaking point. I don’t want to...
- Tom Coghill: Tim Try doing a headstand yoga style. The hands are clasped between the back of the head. Try laying back on a medicine ball and doing leg raises that may help for now. Surgery is the best bet.
- tim: Well the thing is that my intestine is pushen forward, ’spit’ out threw my stomach muscle. I have an omega juicer. I’m still fasting, but doubt it can move my intestine back. I’m about to drink some bone broth. I’m listening to my body’s craving, not like...
- Tom Coghill: Tim’ Juice juice juice, and use the enema for 30 days. What supplements you can afford take them. The colon heals with juice fasting. Do you have a juicer? I was a witness of the work of a psychic surgeon. What a scam. Try juice fasting first then lets talk about other methods...
- tim: I get the message: to be more gentle in my interactions with myself, and others, especially my son. Tom, you’re in the phillipines, do you know a psychic surgeon? These doctors allready mis-diagnosed me, all the while I was telling them that I thought I was just blocked with the...
- tim: Did an enema, and lots of hard dark small poops came out. I was jsut blocked. Had my appendix out unecessarily, and now I have a hernia. What is my spirit manifesting in my body, and why?!? I know, you’re the fast guy, not the spiritual guy. Or are you a psychic too?!? Remember kids,...
- tim: How do I get the psyillium husk out of me? The hernia is about 1 inch out by 1,5 inch long. I’m thinking the psyillium plug might be in the hernia. If there’s really a plug. Help!
- tim: Salt…wash̷ 0;not…going 230;threw…agai n.
- Starting a Juice Fasting (9)
- JenC: Hi Tom, I haven’t heard a reply and am now on day 2 of my planned 7-day juice fast. I’ll like your advise on how much Acidophilus/Bifidus capsules I should be taking when breaking the fast and over how many days. Thanks so much for all your advice!
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (321)
- natalia: hi everyone!
it has been really interesting reading everyones posts! i have fasted many times before unfortunately never getting past day 4!
i really want to complete a 2 week water fat starting tomorrow. i just don’t seem to have the will power to keep at it which really...
- natalia: hi everyone!
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (330)
- Tom Coghill: Hi RebeccaXX You must mean enema. It looks like a water bottle but has a hose to flush the colon with water to remove toxins that can build in the colon. I recommend juice fasting with a juicer and supplements. Fainting and weakness are normal during fasting due to low blood sugar....