Can I drink bottled juice during a fast?January 31, 2008 | | 8,030 Views Do not expect to heal your body drinking only bottled juices. They lack in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Bottle juice is fine if you are only trying to lose weight and you can fast on it, but that is so much less than the incredible boost in health...
Recent Comments:
- Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (109)
- Michael: Tom, This is my first post and I’m seeking guidance and/or being directed to the part of this site that offers information about breaking a water-only fast. I’m currently at day 27 on only distilled water with about 12 ounces of generic bottled “spring water”...
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (299)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Freebird, Thanks for your encouragement. It is a passion and commitment to a vision that keeps me going.
- FreeBird: Tom. I am in awe of your commitment to helping us fasters. Reading your answers and seeing the dedication has got me through the hardest day of my fast. Thank you deeply!
- Tom Coghill: Hi KK Weight loss depends on 20 factors and each are vague and how they combine make it more complex. Fast and tell us how much you lose. If you gain weight easily you will gain weight slowly.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Tammy Your weight loss rate will slow each week. It can get down to 1/2 lb a day after 30 days. Cayenne pepper helped some faster on this site increase weight loss. Try to get some exercise daily. As the how long. There is no math or formula for weight loss and fasting and for...
- Tammy: Hi, I am on day 3 of a juice fast. I started out at 207 and am now at 201 pounds. i am 5′4″ tall. i would like to weigh 130. how long do you predict it will take me to loose these 71 pounds if i continue on the juice fast??? i am 32 years old.
- KK: Hi Tom, my height is 5”3 and I weigh 137.5 pound. How long will it take to lose 30 pounds? I am planning to consume 500 cals or less everyday. I saw you have a method of calculating how to loose the calories. I would appreciate if you can share. Thank you very much.
- Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure (18)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Emma I would certainly recommend restricted juice fasting or 40 to 50 days. We had one case or stage 4 cancer including cancer in the stomach lining with 4 large masses in the abdominal cavity. During the fast the bleeding stopped and the 4 tumors reduced dramatically in size. The...
- Emma: Hi, my husband has just been diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma. Would you recommend the fasting and/or any other diet plan? Have there been any other meso sufferers who have been helped by this method? Please answer as soon as you can, we’re desperate as average life span after...
- Fasting Soul Searching (25)
- Tom Coghill: Andre From my research fasting with lemon juice is more effective than water fasting. Also taught by Arnold Ehret an author and expert on fasting. The science is well documented. Increase the alkalinity of the blood and the plasma membranes become more porous can can eliminate...
- André: First time faster (to be) here. I’ve heard of fasts, I’ve known people to do fasts, and now it’s my turn. I plan on fasting for weight-loss purposes. Not sure of how to prepare going in (should i eat solely veggies the days approaching my fast?) Will the fast be more...
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (279)
- Tom Coghill: Hi ReRe Fasting is no food. But you are on a detox program by drinking juice and eating one meal a day, that will be effective just slower than fasting.
- FreeBird: Today is the 1st day of my 3rd juice fast. My first fast was 4 days and the 2nd was 10. You have to be very careful not to get any pulp in your juices. You do not want to reawaken digestion. Fasting gives your body a break from digestion, allowing it to use the saved energy for healing....
- Shante: Hey guys, I have been fasting for a while now and wanted to let those of you know who are doing the water fast. If you feel like cheating, drink juice and try your hardest not to give into food. Remember, you only WANT it, you dont NEED it just yet. I have been losing 2kg/day and...
- Re'Re': I’m doing what I called a daytime fast. I’m only drinking homemade juices and sometimes soups during the day. I eat one meal at night. Is this still a legitimate fast? I hear some people fast off and on on certain days. Instead of doing that I just decided to fast everyday and...
- KylieBrook: s.makeda congrats on making it through your first day! Have you done a fast before? 3 months of a water fast seems like you are setting yourself up for failure (no offense) and I think it might be a bit much to start out with. In my opinion I think you should start out with a week or...
- Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day (24)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Christ To get rid of “metal mouth” scrub your tongue with a toothbrush a few time a day and chewing on parsley will kill bad breath.
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (305)
- Tom Coghill: Hi s.makeda First day hunger is the worst. Drink till your stomach is full or the enema works perfectly.