Medifast Diet ReviewJanuary 9, 2008 | | 1,266 Views Medifast is a diet that takes you into an intermediate fasting state as inferred by the name. Medifast uses meal replacement products that are formulated to be low-calorie, low-fat, and contain a balance of vitamins and minerals. Meal replacement do assist...
Recent Comments:
- Fasting Progress Reports (4)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Doris, Mrsd496 Lemon juice is good before during and after a fast. Quitting coffee can cause intense headaches for a few day. You can continue the med on a juice fast but on water fasting it is a bad idea. Juice fasting is recommended for first time fasters for many reasons.
- mrsd496: Hi Tom: Thanks for the advise. I am planning to start my fast on the 2nd of July. I do have some senior stamps that will allow me to get farmers market vegetables and some fruit. So that will help me to be ready for almost anything. I have gotten in the habit of only eating one good meal...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Mrsd496 Juice fasting has helped me heal through many accidents. Try a potato juiced with carrots, apples, ….. for the acid reflux. On a fast over 1 weeks you can cut you blood pressure meds when you are stable below 130. The if it goes high take a half for a few days....
- mrsd496: Hi Tom: I am not sure I am doing this right. I am 69 yrs of age. was in accident 10 years ago. had one operation because I flipped in car 3 times. doc wants to do another. I want to juice fast before I see him july 17th. I haven’t done any for about 25 years. don’t even...
- Stomach Ulcers Remdies-Fasting (9)
- happygirl: Hi Tom, Thank you for your site and all the info and help you give. You were right, I found one in a thrift store, $5. I love it. I have been juice fasting for 2 weeks today and I’m still breaking out in hives. Usually if I cut back and eat all natural for a week I’m...
- Breaking An Extended Fast (16)
- twspol: Thanks, I’m not having headaches anymore and blackouts are ceasing too, so I think I’m past that first stage. What I was worried about is the post-fast stage but with some more discipline I think I can avoid putting the weight back and losing the other benefits.
- Tom Coghill: Hi twspol, You do not need a laxative after the fast as your body will explode…. Yes you could eat that as a laxative during the fast. Senna tea or prune juice also work. Blenders are useless for juice fasting. Great for healthy eating. When you break a fast is it more about...
- twspol: Hi. I’m on day 4 of my 14/21 days water fast. I don’t have a juicer and won’t be able to get one by the end of my fast. What fruits should I use to make a juice(in a blender, so I don’t know if I can use vegetables) and how long should I wait before start consuming...
- Laxatives Removes Intestinal Toxins After a Fast (4)
- twspol: I’m doing an extended water fast, I’m thinking of eating a plum as laxative, when should I eat it and how many? Thank you.
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (437)
- shan: Hi Tom, I’m water fasting.today is my 22nd day.i did 4days juice fasted at the begening.no supplements i’m using.i dont have any pain right now.before starting water fast i had the stomach pain when pressing my abdomen..bloating.in january i went for the colonoscopy,abdom...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shan Assuming you are not having beets in the juice, and the results of the colonoscopy were negative, then blood in the stool is not good. There can be many factors. Mucus in the stool during fasting is normal. Without testing I am guessing. They can test your stool for blood or...
- shan: Hi Tom, Thanks for your reply.today is my 21st day of fasting.my current weight is 93 lbs.my symptoms anxiety,stomach pain reduced a lot.my previous temp was 97 after second day of water fasting.right now my temp was 99.4f.after 10 days of water fasting it was 98.from day before yesterday...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Karen One of the problems in breaking a fast is the hunger but if you eat to much it causes a sore stomach. It takes more discipline to break a fast than to do a fast. You should have boosted you intestinal bacteria. That may be causing the gas. Buy in healthfood store. Veggie...
- karenbeard: Hi Tom, couple of questions Sunday was the first day of eating after a 35 day fast. I was very good about eating only fruit or vegetable about every two hours. Little bits at a time. I did that on Monday also, until evening when I made the mistake of having a very small sliver of...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Corrina, The greatest hunger reduction during fasting is to use an enema. The second is to have juice on hand when you are hungry.
- Corrina: Thanks Tom, Any tips to offer for when the urge of just wanting to eat something happens. I was good all day until I had to make dinner for everyone and it smelled sooo good. I stuck a piece of gum in my mouth and used that as a deterent. Also, I like salads (no dressing though) but...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Corrina, Find the juice mixtures that you like. You also need a dramatic diet change as you are not getting the nutrients you need to be healthy. Fasting can be a life-changing transformational experience. Bananas do not juice. You colon can dump stuff after weeks of water...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shan When water fasting is causing intense detox it is is good to add a liter of fresh juice for about 3 days. The juices help in the detox and reduce organ strain. Using the enema will help but you could experience a toxic reaction as the toxins are flushed from your colon into...
- Corrina: also, after how many days of a liquid diet whether juice or water can you expect the bowels to be empty? Do you still have bowel movements on liquid diet? curious… thx
- Corrina: Hello Tom and all, Please help.. I have browsed through some of the posts trying to get some insight on the best way to fast for beginners. Here’s how it all started. I am 5′1″ and weigh 137 lbs., however, though people say I look slim I have “a lot” of...
- shan: Hai Tom, How r u? today is my 18th day of water fasting.my symptoms reduced a lot.but im still having stools.i vomited yellow bile.may i know what is this? my dizziness is gone.energy increased.my weight is94 lbs.my tongue is not pink.not white.but still i have neck stiffness(it happens...
- Lori: Today is day one of my fast. Woke up feeling positive with a little bit of a headache today. I restricited pretty heavily yesterday and lost 3 lbs. I really want to be successful at this fast. I will report later. This morning’s weigh in 154 lbs. GW from this fast 147 lbs. Final GW...
- tracy: Thanks for a speedy reply Tom , i will try this and let you know how i get on !! Of to get myself a juicer !!! Tracy x
- Lori: Thanks Tom. Since this is my first fast I thought it would be good to start with a short (3-5 day) one. I have doing a clean diet to prepare as recommended. My concern is that I have read that the first 3 days are the hardest and often quite miserable. Should I be worried about reflecting...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Lori That is a short fast. I would just go easy in the gym. You will have days of no energy. You will not be gaining mass as that is impossible unless you take in a protein supplement.
- Lori: Tom, I am interested in trying a 3-5 day juice fast for cleansing, detox, and weight loss purposes. My concern is that I do lift weights at least 3 times a week. I hear that while weight training protein is very important, will I be getting enough? Thanks, Lori
- Tom Coghill: Hi Ashley I have pulled off events like hiking on water only but wow intense hard and to the limit of endurance. Wait till you can relax for your water fast and do a few days on juice first.
- Ashley: Hi everyone, I find this website very insiteful and had a few questions about fasting. Can fasting have a permanent effect on your metabolism? Also, would it be safe to do a water fast while in a backpacking trip? just curious, thanks
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (528)
- jenny: heya, anyone wanna have a one-on-one support buddy,i’m 16… i’ve just started my 1st fast (day 3) and would love someone to email now and then & also see their progress and use as motivation.
thanx..just click on my page, leave me a messge & i’ll give you...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Skywalker, A fast can speed recovery from a cold. At other times it can cause a cold. Wait it out and up the vitamin C amount with lemons and grapefruit.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Skywalker, treat psoriasis through a juice fast of 20 to 20 days using vitamin E 1,200 IU daily. Mixed with essential oils, and rubbed into the skin and taken orly. No juices that are spefic for healing treat psoriasis that I know of, so juice find what juices you like. The...
- skywalker: I started today the fast, I have a little cold (it was there before starting fasting) Can you recommend something for cold sympotms? Do they go away in the first days of fasting? Any feedback? Thanks
- skywalker: Hi everyone. I’m looking for a fasting buddy. I’m a 42 male, 6′ 1′. 210 pounds. I want to loose weight and also treat psoriasis (I have some in my knee and my elbows). I’ll do juice fasting and maybe later switch to water with lemon. Also, Chris, or anyone...
- Chris Wood: Hello everyone, We had our Father’s Day celebration last night, so I started my fast about 12 hours ago. Water only. I am hungry, but I feel like I can do this. Thanks so much for your support! How is everyone else doing? Chris
- Latisha: Hi All Sherri How Much Cayenne Pepper do you put in water is it the powder or something different?
- Chris Wood: Hi everyone, I am actually waiting until after Father’s Day to start my fast. Tom – I have done several 4-day water only fasts. I know all too well about fasting hell! I would love to do a 10-day fast. So, after our Father’s Day celebration, I will start. Stephanie...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Stephanie, Kidney can totally heal from juice fasting so your are on the right track but you have to go slow as fasting released toxins that have demands on the kidneys. I would drink lots of juice, especially if your stomach hurts. If you kidneys start to hurt you may have to add...
- jenny: heya, anyone wanna have a one-on-one support buddy,i’m 16… i’ve just started my 1st fast (day 3) and would love someone to email now and then & also see their progress and use as motivation.
- Water Fasting Tips (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Rawr Getting dizzy and weak during a water fast is normal. So trying to do sports is the opposite of letting the body rest and heal. Water fasting is for time when you can rest. Juice fasting is more suited to you lifestyle.
- rawr: Okay so I’ve pretty much done everything I shouldn’t do so far. I’m a 15 year old girl and this is day two of a seven day water fast. I have never fasted before, but I don’t have a juicer. I am 5′6″ and 143.5 pounds, my BMI is 23.2 so technically I am...
- Ask a Question (78)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jesse We have treated diabetes with 40 days of juice fasting. Total recovery. You need to stop the sugary drinks. Drink less juice but more frequently. Test your blood to see what works. Like 1/4 glass every 40 minutes. Spirulina and sea salt can be added to the juice. Also...
- Jesse Bruce: Tom, I juice fast 21 days at a time 3 to 4 times a year(past 6 years). After breaking my fast the last 4 or 5 times I suspect my blood sugar has risen significantly within a few days – dry mouth, frequent urination at night, weakness, nausea, etc…the symptoms appear to...
- How Much Weight Will I Lose? (51)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Tracy, I always recommend starting and ending with juice fasting and alternation days of water fasting. 30 day using a juicer will transform your life.
- tracy: Hi Tom , this site is very interesting , i am planning to go on a fast to help my health (feeling quite sluggish tired and bloated) i am overweight 238lbs and have lost a little in 6 weeks 7lbs i would like to know which fast would be most benficial to me ? i am active , i do a fair bit of...
- Intestinal Bacteria Replacement After Fasting (9)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jafrey, Fasting is individual and each person has different tolerances so for you I guess your breaking period is longer than most.
- Jafrey: Thanks…i didnt make myself very clear tho….but that was like the 5th day… ive done this quite a few times now…and it seems i cant eat more than a salad and a few pieces of fruit without gettin a huge stomach and feelin ill…like yesterday i didnt eat...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jafrey, Too much food too fast. Water fasting shuts down digestion and you need to go slow. Lack of digestive enzymes can cause gas. Try juice for a few days. Juice fasting for 2 to 3 days after waterfasting is the best way to prepare for breaking the fast. Try fasting for one day...
- Fasting Can Be Scary (3)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Gillian, Imagine all the toxins from your food, air and water and now your cells can dump them. So it does as fast as it can and the result is a long list of painful events with vomiting for hours being the most common. You can do it if you diet is healthy or have a slow...
- Gillian: “During fasting, these toxins are released into the bloodstream making water fasting almost impossible for the first-time faster.” Hey Tom, I took this quote straight from your article and was just curious about why it is almost impossible for a first time faster to do a...
- Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (138)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Brian Thanks for sharing. Fasting and prayer always releases life transforming changes.
- Brian Llopis: Hi Tom, I was reading your post to get some sort of incouragement to complete this forty day fast that i’m on. I was led to do a forty day fast starting of with a once a day fruit, or vegtable meal with water only. Then after day ten, I felt the Lord leading me to a full water...