Guarana Cancer

Guarana can assist in a holistic cancer treatment. Guarana will not cure cancer alone but in combination with other herbs, juices and therapies, guarana will boost cancer treatment effectiveness. Guaraná is a creeping shrub native to the Amazon (and particularly the regions of Manaus and Parintins).The plant is known and used worldwide and is the main ingredient in the “national beverage” of Brazil: Guaraná Soda. Guarana contains compounds that may give health benefits and also as a cure cancer.

Guarana Historical Medical Usage

The uses of guarana by the Amerindians predates the discovery of Brazil. They then use guarana much the same way as chocolate – to prepare various foods, drinks, and medicines. The rainforest tribes have used guaraná mainly as a stimulant and as an astringent (drying agent) for treating chronic diarrhea. Guarana is often taken during periods of fasting to tolerate dietary restrictions better. Botanist James Duke cites past and present tribal uses in the rainforest: as a preventive for arteriosclerosis; as an effective cardiovascular drug; as a pain-reliever, astringent, stimulant, and tonic used to treat diarrhea, hypertension, fever, migraine, neuralgia, and dysentery.

Over centuries the many benefits of guaraná have been passed on to explorers and settlers. European researchers began studying guaraná (in France and Germany) in the 1940s, finding that Indians’ uses to cure fevers, headaches, cramps, and as an energy tonic were well-founded. Guaraná is used and well known for its stimulant and thermogenic action.

Guarana Health Benefits

Guarana is a gentle excitant, and contains concntrated yet healthier caffeine twice as potent as those found in coffee. Guaraná is reputed to be as a stimulant and increase mental alertness, fight fatigue, and increase stamina and physical endurance due to guarana’s caffein.Guarana’s main uses include as a refrigerant (lowers body temperature) to prevent overheating and heat stroke,to tone, balance, and strengthen the heart, as a blood cleanser, and to reduce/prevent sticky blood and blood clots, and as a weight loss aid (suppresses appetite and increases fat-burning).

Guarana Enhances Memory

The use of guaraná as an effective energy tonic, for mental acuity, and to enhance long-term memory recently was validated by scientists. In a 1997 in vivo study, guaraná increased physical activity of rats, increased physical endurance under stress, and increased memory with single doses as well as with chronic doses.Guaraná (often in combination with other plants) also has been found to facilitate weight loss, by creating a feeling of fullness and having a mild thermogenic effect.

Another Brazilian research group has been studying guaraná ‘s apparent effect of increasing memory, thought to be linked to essential oils found in the seed. The plant was found to enhance memory retention and to have an anti-amnesic activity in mice and rats. A U.S. patent has been filed on a combination of plants (including guaraná) for promoting sustained energy and mental alertness “without nervousness or tension.”

Guaraná’s antibacterial properties against E. coli and Salmonella have been documented as well. Guaraná has also demonstrated antioxidant properties; researchers concluded, “Guaraná showed an antioxidant effect because, even at low concentrations (1.2 mcg/ml), it inhibited the process of lipid peroxidation.”

Guarana, Anti Cancer Agents

Guarana is an all natural stimulant which contains a substance called guaranine, which is often mistaken for caffeine. Guaranine is much safer, and yet more potent as a stimulant. Guarana also contains large amounts of theophylline, theobromine, and tannic acid(which may have protective effects against DNA damage). Guarana is rich in saponins which reduces the risk of cancer and boosts the immune system.

The xanthine alkaloids (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) are believed to contribute significantly to guaraná’s therapeutic activity. In clinical studies, theophylline stimulates the heart and central nervous system, enhances alertness and alleviates fatigue. Guarana has strong diuretic activity and reduces constriction of the bronchials, making it useful in asthma. Theobromine has similar effects. Certainly many traditional uses of guaraná may be explained by its caffeine content.

There are many published studies supporting the use of caffeine in the treatment of cancer. The Journal of Nutrition And Cancer published a study in which SKH-1 mice, who were at high risk of developing malignant and nonmalignant tumors, received oral administration of caffeine alone as their sole source of drinking fluid for 18 to 23 weeks. The study revealed that not only did the caffeine inhibit the formation and decrease the size of nonmalignant tumors but malignant tumors as well.

Guarana Effects On Fatigue In Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

Guarana is an effective, cheap and nontoxic alternative for the treatment of fatigue in breast cancer patients receiving systemic chemotherapy. Further studies are needed to confirm our results and to evaluate their generalizability to other types of cancer.

Guarana Dosage

Caffeine intake of 180-450 milligrams a day (about the amount in 2-4 cups of brewed coffee or 500-1000mg of guarana extract) has been associated with mild stimulant properties and enhanced physical and mental performance.  Guarana may be more effective than caffeine in boosting the performance of DCA.

Guarana Precaution

Guarana should not be used by people who are sensitive to caffeine or xanthines. People with heart conditions, diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy, overactive thyroid, anxiety, insomnia, and kidney disease should only use guarana under the supervision of their doctor. Guarana should not to be used during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.

Guarana Products

Guarana is used in sweetened or carbonated soft drinks and energy shots, an ingredient of herbal tea or contained in capsules. Search guarana products in Google.

Guarana Research Links

In 1998, scientists demonstrated that a guaraná extract significantly increased the blood glucose levels and suppressed exercise-induced hypoglycemia in mice.

Numerous studies have demonstrated caffeine’s potential to provide cancer-preventive protection by inhibiting the formation and decreasing the size of both malignant and nonmalignant tumors.

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