Natural Face ScrubJanuary 29, 2008 | | 3,289 Views You can look ten years younger in 20 days by using natural face scrubs. It is easy to have smooth skin without paying a fortune to buy expensive skin creams. So why spend money when you can do it in the natural way. Using natural coffee or sugar scrubs...
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- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (510)
- Karen: Hello everyone, just checking in. I am doing great but these last few days have been forever ! Tom I will have a few small fruits and vegetables on Sunday for the first time. That will be day 35. I have lost 20 lbs, I think it should have been more, and I’m not sure why. For 25 of...
- Chris Wood: Hi, I am just starting a water-only fast! To everyone out there – you are doing great! My email is christineaw@tx.rr.co m. I would love a fasting buddy! Thanks, Chris
- Valerie: hey all! My name is Valerie! I am on day 1 of a juice fast and I can tell already I’m gonna need some support. I an 5′6″ and 190 lbs. I am 28 yrs. old. I have Degenerative Disk Disease and recently had 2 back surgeries. I know if I get healthy and also lose some weight,...
- Shell: Hi Tom! I have read books and articles on fasting and I really feel the need to fast the soonest. I have tried eating less with fish as the only meat ingredient because Im underweight and employed to be of service with employees (HR Officer). Will I be cheating if I just continue eating...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Natanya, One of the best way to get support is just post your days. Ex, Day 4, juice fasting, woke feeling…. bla bla. Post failures and successes. Also post to encourage others. Become part of this community. Email the people looking for fasting buddies.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Alexandra, Yes allergic reactions commonly cause skin disturbances. Fasting (juice fasting) heals the skin resulting in a youthful radiant completion. You fasting will probably decrease or remove the reaction to gluten, a hard to digest protein molecule. Fasting may heal your...
- Natanya: Natanya I am aiming to do a 40 day fasting and I am looking for a buddy to to join me. I keep on starting and fall off the wagon in 3 day. I am 24, live in London, I have gained 60 pounds recently.I am 5′7 and 168lbs. I’d like to lose 40lbs. My pain is what is driving me to do this Fast...
- trey: i am one day to why am i not hungry.I start my day with some lemon water through the day i have cranberry/pom blend juice.am i missing something?
- Sandra: hi all, this is my first fast and I am on day 6 am planning on doing 40 days… On day 1 of my fast I was 190lbs am now weighing 181… am hoping I have enough will power to last 40 days… anyone want to join me on my quest… email me at latinasexxxxxxy@yaho o.com or...
- Alexandra: Alexandra here, I am 19 years old almost 20. Ive done a few fasts one for 7 days and the rest are 3-4 days fasts I do them often..but now want to challenge myself to a 15day fast but Ill start of with thinking 6 and work my way up otherwise I think its to hard haha. Anyway I would love...
- Lisa: Hi, I’m a 30 year old female in the US on day 12 of a 30 day juice fast. If anyone would like to chat with me please email me: ideagal23@yahoo.com. Looking to find out how other people are dealing with their juice fast. I’m doing mine for optimal health. Feeling great and down...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shannon Yes fasting can get you back to a normal rate but it is a bit harder than just not eating. There are many curves that make fasting very hard. I always recommend juice fasting , with a juicer before water fasting. It is safer, easier, and more therapeutic to the body. Being...
- Karen: Hello Tom and “all” I have returned from the river trip, lots of fun and rest. I am on day 28 now and doing great. The fast was not a problem on my trip. I am going to make it one more week and then should be good after 35 days. Hope all of you are doing well.
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (416)
- Cory: Hello tom i am thinking on starting a fast i have done a few like my longest was a 5 day water fast for just cleansing and spiritual purposes i work alot i work two jobs on from 7 am to 5pm and then 630pm to midnight i have no time really for workout as much and never really thought of a...
- shan: Hai Tom, Today is my 14th day of fasting.so far i lost 4 lbs after started water fasting.my current weight is 96 lbs.yesterday i suffered from nausea,burning sensation in upper abdominal area.dizziness.i vomited yellow colour acid like taste.but still im having dizziness,weakness. andi dont...
- Tom Coghill: HI Christina, Juice fasting is really a juice diet that can be done for years with the addition of a few supplement like B. So 10 days is fine between juice fasts. I did three juice fasts over 30 day with less than 14 days between fasts.
- Jerra: Thank you Tom…I’m on my first full day today
- Christina: Hi Tom, So far my weight is increasing point by point but seems to have stabled and overall I’m doing great. Well, I was wondering. I have fasted for 30 days, after how many days of solid food can I start juice fasting again?
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shan, The body increases weight during the day from drinking water. You symptoms are normal due to catabolism.
- shan: shan 12 Jun 2009 at 7:48 am Hai Tom, How r u? today is my 8th day of water fasting.i lost 7 lbs from juice fasting.from water fasting iam not losing any weight.early morning im weighing 96 lbs.day time my weight is 100.which one is correct?im taking 7 ounces of honey daily. im having lot of...
- Tom Coghill: Jerra Light headedness and feeling dizzy can be normal for water fasting. The trick is to get down on one knee if you feel a blackout coming one. Having a small amount a juice per day will increase blood sugar but dizziness can occur on juice fasting also but much less frequently.
- Commonly Asked Fasting Questions (40)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Paul, The average healthy male has about 5 lb of impacted fecal matter that fasting quickly removes often with strange sightings in the toilet bowel. Also juice has some pulp if you are juice fasting.
- paul ewing: after 5 days im still deficating hows that possible without eating food or is this stuff that has been sitting in my gut??
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (357)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Bernice Unless you have a slow metabolsim you may be entering into fasting hell. Starting a water fast after years of smoking and walking 5 mile will trigger a intense toxic reaction in 95% of people. Not wise to take supplements during water fasting as they can just sit in the...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kae Your emotional cycles are a lesson on how toxins in the blood affect ever aspect of our being. The usually drop off after 5 days and the cycle length get longer. After a few weeks of fasting the negative emotions are few and the positive ones are more predominant. I called it...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Rhet Yes, the enema is dislodging toxic stuff. The toxic reaction to an enema is common. It usually does not last for more than 2 to 3 uses of the enema.
- Bernice: Is it ok to take fish oil,vitamin E or other supplements while I fast? I am doing a water fast and am 6 hours away from beating the first 24. I also quit smoking yesterday…..it ’s been a little hectic this afternoon!! I went on a 5 mile walk today though, nothing super fast...
- Rhet: Hi Tom, question about enema: For awhile, the enema was working great for short 2-5 day fasts. But lately, I’ve been getting headaches and nausea WITH the enema. Is is possible that the enema is dislodging toxic stuff from higher up in my colon that’s being partially...
- Kae: Hi all, question: I’m midday day 3 on a water fast. So far today I have been rapidly cycling through feelings ranging from minutes of being lightheaded to perfectly fine, angry and annoyed to excited, and just plain feeling sorry for myself. In your experience, will feelings like this...
- Bernice: Hi Ray! I am too on day one of a lemon water fast. Have you done one before?!? This is my first time and I’m really looking forward to the benefits of a cleaner body and mind. Good luck!!! I left my email on another post if you’d like to contact me for the extra support (I...
- ray: Day one of a ten day water and lemon fast/cleanse. Anyone else starting a fast?
- Bernice: Hello all! I’m starting my fast tomorrow….wate r,lemon,and maple syrup, with occasional herbal tea throughout the day. I’ve found all of your comments inspirational so thank you. THIS is my very first fast. I’ve been a smoker for 12 years with a brief phase of not...
- Intestinal Bacteria Replacement After Fasting (5)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Hailey, Yes take probiotics during fasting for Candida. Salt water cleansing is good for candida as well as using it for a vaginal flush. A salt water enema is good. But start with a table spoon mixed in lukewarm water. You could increase the salt content if you still feel good....
- Hailey: Hi Tom, Thanks for your great tips on fasting! I’ve always had great results from fasting. I’ve done two 3 week fasts, one juice and one water only. Currently I have a candida overgrowth due to antibiotics I took. I saw your suggestions on the restricted juice fasting (mostly...
- Fasting and Medication (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Angie M If you want a therapeutic fast for bipoloar disorder or seizures you have to very slow as a toxin release can trigger a episode. Juice fasting can be very effective with neurological disorders. The key is to drink lots of juice and have some banana or avocado for about 5...
- Angie M.: I am 39 and want to lose some weight as well as experience the cleansing,spiritual and healing benefits of fasting. The thing is, is that I am on an anti-convulsant (Lamictal 150mg, twice a day). I consulted with a pharmacist who was TOTALLY against. How can I fast in a safe way and...
- Stomach Ulcers Remdies-Fasting (7)
- happygirl: Hi, I have a question. I am on day 3 of a apple juice fast. I have chronic hives for 21 years and now maybe ulcers I have pain in my upper abdomen both sides. They thought it might be my gallbladder but after I did a gallbladder flush and did see stones, it got some better. Ok my...
- shan: Hai mich, Also wheat grass juice iicreases ur iron level very fast.they said its like drinking blood.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Mich, Try black strap molasses made as tea. Just add hot water. You can fast on it and it is high in iron. For stomach ulcers you will generally need 30 days of juice fasting, with potato juice added for permanent healing. The biopsies are shipped to a lab then sit in a cue for...
- Mich: Hi I had an endoscope done about 2 weeks ago and they took biopsies. Why do I have to wait 2 more weeks to get my results? Do you know why it takes 4 weeks to get the results? My stomach is always burning and the feeling goes into my lower back area. I have anemia which has not gone away...
- Fasting and Detoxification (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi knappyman, Yes the lemon/honey water fast for 10 days is a good fast. Having a juicer is a must for superior health and a good investment. I prefer juice fasting but that is my choice.
- knappyman: Hi there. I’m a 26 year old male excited to embark on my first fasting experience. I’m curious about the best approach. Several of my friends suggested the lemon/honey water fast for 10 days, and moving to a juice fast if it is too much to endure after a few days. I’m...
- Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure (24)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Karen Yes I direct the St. Theodore’s Hospital Wellness program that uses a version of the Bruess Cure. I am also looking for the same testimonies. We have had successes but as we are a hospital it is difficult to publish on cancer as it take 5 years remission free to...
- Karen Page: Hi Tom It sounds like you have been helping people who have cancer at some kind of hospital. Could you tell me a bit more about what you do. I am trying to find some testimonies from people who have recently (in the past few years) done the 42-day Breuss treatment and cured themselves...
- Colonic Hydrotherapy with Fasting Can Heal Colon Diseases (19)
- THELMA: marie, you can call 6469239 or txt 0920 841 82 92 for colon cleansing
- Fasting And Metabolism (8)
- Lauren: I personally embarked on a 18 day water fast in 2007, and lost 16 pounds. I ate sensibly afterwards (healthy, and in normal quantities), and did not gain ONE POUND BACK. So, based on my own personal experience, as long as you ensure that you eat healthy and properly after the fast, you...
- Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day (35)
- Tina: Ok sounds great Tom. Thank you for your help and will keep you updated. -Tina-
- Tom Coghill: Hi Tina, Lets start with a definition so we have some clarity. Water intoxication (also known as ‘hyper-hydrati on’ or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside...
- Fasting Teenagers (65)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kayla You can use the blender on melons and strain the juice but you waste lots. A blender is inefficient and and only do a few fruits. Orange grapefruits and lime are good as you do not need a juicer and are better fresh squeezed.
- Kayla: Thanks tom this really helped alot! At the moment I am currently without a juicer too. Would i be able just use a blender in the mean time? Maybe by just using watermelons, cantelopes, tomatoes. ( those types of fruits and vegitables where it would be easier to liquify with minimal chunks...