Sweet Violet Anti-Cancer

Common names: Blue Violet, Common Blue Violet, English Violet, Garden Violet, Hu-chin-ts’ao

Sweet Violet can assist in a holistic cancer treatment. Sweet Violet will not cure cancer alone but in combination with other herbs, juices and therapies, sweet violet will boost cancer treatment effectiveness.

Sweet Violet contains salicylic acid, volatile oil, mucilage, resin, sugar, an aromatic principle, flavonoids, a glucoside, saponins, an alkaloid called odoratine,rich in vitamins A and C. The flower also contains an aromatic compound called irone, and a blue pigment.

Sweet Violet plants contain large quantities of rutin, a natural form of aspirin. Sweet Violets were used in poultices and applied to skin cancer. Its aspirin-like properties make it useful for fighting inflammation. Lung ailments and cancer were treated with violets. In addition, violets helped ease headaches and dizziness.

Sweet violet flowers and leaves have a gentle expectorant and demulcent action, and they induce light sweating. They are often used as an infusion or syrup for treating coughs, chest colds, and congestion. The flowers and leaves are used in British herbal medicine to treat breast and stomach cancer. The root is a much stronger expectorant and, at higher doses, is emetic.

Sweet Violet History

Sweet violets have been eaten since ancient times. Historical references date the usage back 2,000 years. Ancient Athenians held the sweet violet in high regard for its power both to moderate anger and to cure insomnia. The Roman naturalist Pliny said its roots, if steeped in vinegar, would cure gout, and added that a garland of violets worn about the head would banish headaches and dizziness. Later the Celts mixed the flowers with goat’s milk to make a cosmetic. In the 16th century the English made a syrup of the flowers and used sweet violet as a mild laxative for children. They also employed the syrup to treat a number of adult ailments, including epilepsy, pleurisy, and jaundice.

At different times and places, folk healers have touted the plant as a cure for growths. Since about 500 B.C., the fresh leaves have been used in poultice form to treat skin cancer, and this belief in violets’ efficacy as a cancer cure unfortunately continues to this day- with virtually no scientific proof to back it up.

Ancient well-known herbalists and philosophists, including Pliny and Homer, prescribed violets as remedies. Violets continued to be used through the ages. Currently, the British Pharmocopeia, while not officially recognizing violets as a cancer cure, lists the usage with directions. These unassuming wild perennials abundantly dot the world with their violet blue small blossoms in spring. Violet tea served as a common beverage, used to soothe everything from tummy aches to more serious conditions. Violet leaves were eaten for vitamins. Leaves were candied; blossoms added color to salads. All parts of the sweet violet plant are edible.

Sweet Violet Medicinal Usages

In modern times violet blossoms have been used principally as a coloring agent, as the fragrance in perfumes, and in cough syrups. Violets are used for a variety of ailments. A violet serves to ease headaches and body aches, acting as a mild sedative. More recently, it has been used to help protect against and treat HIV. Topically, it works to ease skin conditions. Drinking an infusion of tea or syrup is the current way to ingest the violets. Eating the leaves as a salad is a good way to add a regular dose. Ointments are also used.

Sweet Violet Cancer Applications

Sweet violet has long been thought to have anticancer abilities. History tells us that a poultice made from the leaves of this flowering plant has been used to treat skin cancer since around 500 B.C. While this effect has not been proven, the flowers and leaves are still used in British herbal medicine to treat stomach and breast cancer. This can be taken as a tea with one teaspoon of the dried herb added to a cup of boiling water. It is used as a poultice for the treatment of skin-related cancers. It is still being currently studied by the scientific community.

Sweet Violet Health Benefits

Sweet violet is primarily an herb for respiratory problems. A tea made from the leaves is excellent as a soothing gargle, for sore gums, cankersores, good for inflammations, relieves pain of cancerous growths, as well as used as a poulticeto the back of the neck for headache. A blood purifier, good for treating gout, colds, asthma, sores, ulcers, scrofula, pleurisy,syphilis, and difficult breathing due to gas and morbid matter in the stomach and bowels.

The flowers lower blood pressure. Has been used to treat blemished skin, psoriasis, eczema, acne, and infants’ cradle cap. A decoction of the rootstock makes a good expectorant. For inflamed mucous tissue in the mouth, rinse with a tea made from the rootstock or the whole plant. A tea or syrup made from the plant, especially the rootstock and the flowers, is a soothing remedy for coughs and whooping cough. Use it also as a calming agentfor insomnia and hystericalor nervous problems.

The flowers and the seeds can be used as a mildlaxative. In large doses, the rootstock is emetic. Particularly used to soften hard lumps and counteract cancer, swollen glands.

Violet leaves are used in puddings, jellies, and salads; flowers in salads or in candied form as a decorative garnish for desserts.

Sweet Violet Usage

To make an ointment:

  • Stew about three dozen leaves in two oz. of warmed and softened lard.
  • Strain once the leaves have the consistency of cooked cabbage.
  • Place in a covered container.
  • Apply topically to affected areas.
  • the ointment can also be used on swollen lymph nodes to help fight general ailments.

Make violet tea:

  • With two oz. of dried violet leaves boiled in one quart of water.
  • Let stand until the water is green, about 12 hours.
  • Strain, then bring to a quick boil.
  • Refrigerate and drink a few ounces every two hours.
  • Do not keep the tea for more than a day.

Sweet Violet Dosage


  • Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the herb and let infuse for 10 – 15 minutes.
  • This should be drunk three times a day.

Tincture: take 1 – 2 ml of the tincture three times a day.


  • Boil 1 tbsp. rootstock or plant parts in 1/2 cup water.
  • Soaking for a few hours before boiling is said to strengthen the activity.


  • pour 1 qt. boiling water over an equal volume of compressed flowers
  • let stand for 10 hours and strain
  • Heat the resulting liquid to simmering and pour over a new batch of flowers.
  • Let stand and strainas before.
  • Repeat the procedure several more times (the more the better).
  • Heat the final liquid, let cool, and add honey until a syrupy consistency is obtained.

Sweet Violet Dosage Information

Violet comes in various forms and is an ingredient in many products. For best results read and follow product label directions.

Sweet Violet Safety

Avoid very high doses, as they contain saponins, which may induce nausea and vomiting.

Do not use sweet violet if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Buy Sweet Violet Supplements Online

Search Google.com for the Sweet Violet supplements.

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