Mouth Cankers RemediesJanuary 19, 2008 | | 3,659 Views Mouth cankers are common during fasting as the body is detoxifying through the skin, tongue, and lungs. This waste is a feeding ground for bacteria and viruses resulting in painful mouth cankers, sores on the gums inner lining of the cheeks. Canker sores...
Recent Comments:
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (455)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Alexandra, Intense continuous pain during a fasting is not an good indicator the fast is progressing normally. The liver and kidney are stressed by fasting due to the toxins in the blood. At this time I would totally up the juice amount to break the fast with soft fruits. I liver...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Eileen, Excellent site with great info I have been there before.
- Eileen: http://www.rawfoodex plained.com/index.ht ml Hello All, I wanted to share a website that I have been reading through with all of you who are interested. I found the website to be full of common sense knowledge and great information about a hygenic/healthy lifestyle.
- Eileen: HI Latisha, Best of luck to us with this journey. I had a period of about 2 hours yesterday where I couldnt stop thinking about food then it went away and I felt fine. PHysically I was not weak or shakey, today I had some rumbeling in the tummy but so far no weak feelings and I am about...
- Karen: What the heck’s going on with you ?! So sorry to hear this trouble seems to be coming back. I am feeling so fortunate to not have had any of that, and yet am wondering if you should be at this point. I think if I had that kind of pain, I would probably be seeing a doctor and having...
- Latisha: Starting day 2 Yesterday I felt a little hungry today I feel empty but ok no headache yet but tired. Im at work so when I get off I see.
- Alexandra: Hi Tom, I am in so much pain, I can’t even describe. I think I have something wrong on my liver and kidneys maybe also heart (none of which have been diagnosed so far) I am a bit worried. What should I do? Do I endure this hell or what? Please HELP!
- Latisha: Hi, Eileen This is my first day too! All I had was green tea, water, and I made orange juice. I Feel ok until my boyfriend came in with Pizza that seem to smell and look like the best pizza in the world. I too plan to switch from water, to juice. I want to lose 40-50 lbs by my birthday...
- Eileen: Hi All, Getting towards the end of my 1st day of fasting and so far so good. Let me tell you all that your postings are very helpful and inspiring. It definitly helps to know what others are going through. I had nothing today but 1 glass of distilled water and the water from 1 young...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Alexandra, Yes you slow weightloss the more juice you have, generally. But if a juice fast heals your liver or kidneys, there can be weightloss from the healing. Some of the detox crisis after day 20 can have the most amazing peaks after that so just hang on. Just be patient. This...
- Tom Coghill: Latisha, By a honeydew, cantaloup and water melon and juice them. Buy carrots beets, lemon and apple and try that. For the first 3 days drink what you want and listen to your body. You will cut down naturally. If you do not feel like juice go with it. Energy comes when you body...
- Alexandra: Hi Tom, Thank you so much for your replies, dearly appreciated!
I am on my 21st day today and GAINED yes GAINED 1 lb. again, yesterday I was so tired didn’t do anything other than rest and took only 4 oz. of aloe vera apple juice mix and 3/4 mug full of veggie broth. I have...
- Latisha: Hello Everyone, Today I started my Fast. All I had was some green tea so far and some water I want to do a juice fast but is unsure how much juice to drink daily. What is the best tasting fruits and veggies to mix? What juice give you the most energy? I did a site search but Im still...
- Karen: ZeroDude I think Tom may have accidently missed your post. I wondered how you were doing on the v8 splash drinks. I am a little concerned about those drinks as they say 100 percent juice, but they really are not. I’m not sure how you would feel drinking just that. Are you able to get...
- Karen: Molly, that was actually May 19 on 17
- Karen: Hi Molly, It’s really best to start with a juice fast. I am on day 19 of a juice fast and have done really well. The detox is slower but I have been able to stick to it. If you read my notes dated back around May 17th I wrote some of what I am doing and the results. I started with 4...
- Molly: graydaisy@aol.com I am a 25-year-old female with a lot of desire to fast! I want to detox my body! Especially due to a skin condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. I have been trying over the course of the past three days to fast on only water, but I have not been able to get through...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Alexndra, Basic rule: Water fasting -rest. Juice fasting -exercise and rest when detoxify.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Alexandra, You will gain some weight after a fast as your colon refills and digestion needs the body to hold more water. Sure two weeks is great for breaking the fast. Do a site search for “breaking the Fast”.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Alexandra, You are the first person to expound on increased sexual energy and experience. What I have never said on the web is the fact that after the first fast the sex was so amazing. My girlfriend and I did another 2 fasts over 30 day, with a few days in-between as we had...
- Alexandra: Hi Karen, Not only a fasting buddy but my support angel! Thank you for your encouragement! I too am not feeling it for exercise lately, feeling weak, tired but at least try to get in 10,000 steps of walking (as brisk as you can) no matter what everyday. Unless you are really sick,...
- Karen: Congrats ! Alexandra , that’s great news ! I knew all this would pay off eventually.
I am doing well still hangin in with the juice twice a day. Having trouble staying movitivated for exercise but getting it in here and there.
- Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (131)
- Ty: Hi Tom Thank you for the advice, I do not want to take any juices on my water fast, I will take your advice and get much rest as possible, I will keep you updated after my first 24hours Thank you & God Bless
- Tom Coghill: Hi Ty Water fasting and work…. I have tried it… never works. one has to go… the work or the fast. If you are working take some fresh juice extracted with a juicer and on the weekend get time alone and water fast. I have found that I never have to wait long for God...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Latisha, If you have a slow metabolism water fasting is easy with energy to spare. For the rest of us, butts drag like a bad cold for many days and those days cannot be predicted. I take juice when I work, the more i work the more I juice. Fri afternoon I go to water mostly lie...
- Ty: Hi Tom Thank you for all the wonderful and insightful infmormation provided. I am 24, turning 25 on the 20th of June 2009 I will be starting my first water fast 2morrow (06 June 2009). I will be praying to the Father almighty for guidance and strengh in my life, I am not sure how long I will...
- Latisha: Tom I work full time and I catch the bus everyday to and from work, I know I read alot about staying in bed I just cant do that cause of work is this still possible for me to do? Will I feel so bad that I cant walk to the bus stop let alone get up in the morning? On a work schedule do...
- Ciara: Now on day 5…Yesterday was the worst day ever, I was weak and could hardly do anything and i felt extremely hungry. I really thought of just giving up but I told myself let me go to bed and see if I feel better the next day and I did. So i’m glad I made that decision. I’m...
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (344)
- Eileen: Hi Tom, Thanks for the acknowledgement. To address your question, I am not currently in the PI. I was born there and have been back 3 times over my lifetime. I am the product of an Air Force Dad and local Filipina Mom. I have serious interest in eventually living in the Philippines and at...
- Mary Beth: Tom, thank you so much.I will do a search, that helped out a lot
- Tom Coghill: Hi Elleen, Wise move taking the time to study before you fast. Many just jump in and run into problems. For people who are totally fucused on a water fast I tell them, buy a juicer, to start and end the fast and if the water fasting gets too hard have some juice. Are you in the...
- Eileen: CUMOSTA! Thank you all for sharing your personal stories and thank you Tom for hosting this wonderful resourceful website for all of us to share in. I am on my 1st day of my fast. I have been researching and preparing for over 2 months. I am doing a distilled water fast with water from 1...
- Eric: well it’s the end of day four. I was hoping to not be this hungry still. I am such a glutton, this is going to be hard. I am hungry but surprisingly it’s not a hunger that is greater than anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s just a constant nagging feeling telling me...
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (383)
- Mary Beth: Hi Tom, I don’t know if you saw my post but can you help me? I am breastfeeding my 13 month old. He does eat other food but has a milk allergy so he is limited on what he eats and this has caused him to eat smaller amounts and nurse more than a regular 13 month old. I gained...
- shan: Hai Tom, Thanks for ur patience.right now im using some tonic.herbal.(ayurve da).The uses are:this develops the immunity of the body,improves digestion,absorbtion and proper excretion of motion.It purifies the entire blood.regenerates new healthy cells,slows down ageing process,improves...
- Rawr: Well, day 5. So far just a LOT of hunger and weakness. Have had a headache here and there, and slight stomache pains, but other than that I am doin fine.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shan, Normal blood results change during a fast. I would not worry about low sodium. Try some sea salt in the juice. 1/2 teaspoon is enough. Thin people normalize very quickly after a fast. This is the best time to exercise as you get excellent results in the increased anaerobic...
- shan: Hai, You advised me to do water fast.How many days can i do it?right now im on 4thday juice fast.i lost 3 lbs.right now im 104lbs.height 5.1″.is it ok if i loose too much weight? will i gain back? last time in november i did water fasting for 5 days,juice fasting for 5 days.i did my...
- Exercise During Fasting? (14)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Carrie After a few day on water your digestion system shuts down and a pill just sits there and can cause stomach pain. Sure the tea is fine. Taking the supplements with a small amount of veggie juice is preferred. Some lemon-aid or plain herbal teas are good for water fasting.
- Carrie: Hi, I am planning on doing a 5 day water fast. Is it okay to take a total body cleanse supplement during these days, and a fasting tea? Thank you
- Detoxification for Athletes and Bodybuilders (26)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Anton, That would be a pure protein diet and not a fast.
- Tom Coghill: Anton, Yea, one egg yoke per day is enough. More is too much cholesterol.
- Anton: Also why only the egg white? The yolk contains many beneficial proteins.
- Anton: Why can’t I consume protein powder with a water only fast?
- Tom Coghill: Hi Anton Sure you can juice fasting with a protein powder but not with water fasting. Veggie juice has more minerals and vitamins than fruit juice but both are good.
- Anton: Hi, I want to try a fast for a week but I don’t want to lose muscle mass - can I still use my protein powder mixed with water/juice? per serving it has; 23G whey protein 1.5G fat 2.5G carbs 1G Sugar 10 egg whites a day is rather expensive. Is veggie juice better then fruit juice? can...
- Water Fasting - An Introduction (58)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Tara, Your body enter a deeper state of cleaning and is rebuilding the damaged tissue of a past injury. The pain will come and be very intense to yes take the ibuprofen and wait it our. I have had it last from 3 to 7 days from damage that was several years earlier. After the fast...
- Tara: Tom, First of all, what an informative site! I’m enjoying it. Secondly, I have a question. I’ve juice/water fasted before, but usually just 3-4 days at a time. This time, I’m on day 4 of a 7 day juice and water fast. I’m experiencing horrible hip and leg pain! The...
- Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure (22)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Petula, The juice mix for the Bruess Cancer Cure is on the web. The hard part is the back radish. Very hard to find and usually you have to get the seeds from the usa and grow them. We treat cancer here at the hospital and the treatment is cheap. The air ticket is the expensive...
- Enema Instructions (9)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Latisha, Finding an enema is indeed a challenge in certain location like here in the Philippines. So sorry I am of no help.