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Juice Recipes Introduction
January 12, 2008 | | 1,148 Views
The average person is able to assimilate between 1% to 35% of the nutrients in vegetables. All nutrients of vegetables are locked within the fibers. Your digestive system acts like a juice extractor. Through chewing, the action of saliva, digestive juices and enzymes, the body separates fiber and nutrients for absorption through the colon wall into the bloodstream. As the waste and fiber exit the body, soft, sponge-like tissues gently clean and massage the colon wall.
Most people have never eaten a 5 lb. bag of carrots. If they did, it would take a day to digest the nutrients. Yet, in juicing 5 lbs. of carrots, your body is able to assimilate phenomenal amounts of minerals, vitamins, trace minerals, and complex simple sugars, depositing vital enzymes into your enzyme bank.
A juice extractor is able to extract 70% to 98% of the nutrients from vegetables. When you pass a carrot through the juice machine, it effectively separates the juice that is locked in the fibers. The juice of the vegetable is like the blood of the body, containing all necessary elements that build, cleanse and nourish. In drinking the juice, the majority of nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream without the work of digestion. An abundant supply of nutrients in conjunction with minimum digestive effort is a perfect healing environment.
This is not to say that all vegetables should be consumed in the form of juices. Roughage is vital to human health. Although fiber has no nutritional value, it is necessary for maintaining a healthy bowel and removing toxic waste in the colon.
It is best to consume the juice as fresh as possible. However, if you are working while juice fasting, making juice three to four times per day is impossible. Juice can be made in the morning and stored in a thermos. Although the juice will have lower enzyme content, vitamins and minerals will be present, supplying the body with the nutrients needed for healing.
The charismatic carrot is the favorite among vegetables for juicing. They sweeten vegetable juice combinations, adding beta-carotene, and are cheap and easy to juice. You can add a variety of other juices to carrot juice. Beets and lemons really spice up carrot juice. Celery, red pepper, cucumber, apple, and cider vinegar will add more nutrients and enhance flavor. After experimenting with various mixtures, you will find blends to activate your 9,000 taste buds.
Orange, grape, melon and strawberry taste great alone. But, hey—let’s have some fun! Sipping strawberry, apple, and blueberry juice is a taste of liquid heaven. A few suggestions will get you started as a fruit juice inventor. It’s really hard to go wrong.
Fruits and vegetables are usually sprayed with various pesticides, but most of the toxins are left with the discarded pulp. Fruit is lower on the food chain than animal products, and toxic build-up is much less. Unlike meat, fruit and vegetables are equipped with antioxidants and detoxifying agents that help keep the body clean of toxins.
Yes, fruits and vegetables do have pesticides and toxins present, but eating from a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables will assist your body in remaining protected, mucus-free and clean. If you are blessed enough to afford organic, pesticide-free produce, I encourage you to enjoy the blessing. But for most of us, organic is simply not an option. Juicing standard produce from the local grocery store has healed many desperately sick, even terminal cancers. Almost all the healing testimonies you are about to read were of people on fasts using store bought produce. Do your best and God will do the rest.
During a cleansing fast, do not resort to bottled, dead juices that have been on the shelf for six months. You are setting yourself up for a more difficult fast. There is a rush of well-being when you swallow a mouthful of living juice. Fruit and vegetable juices are the cleansers, energizers, builders and regenerators of the human system. A combination of either fresh raw fruit or vegetable juices will supply all the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, protein and fats critical to increased vitality!
By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to fasting.ws are intact and the author’s name is included.
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