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“FIRST” Wants to Interview Women Who Have Lost Weight During Fasting
July 4, 2008 | | 2,932 Views
I was contacted by Lisa of “First” magazine who is looking for people to be interviewed and photographed for an article on fasting and weight loss. We need you to contact here as fast as possible as the article has a deadline. Please call her immediately. Oct 5, 2008.
Dear Tom,
I’m a journalist with the women’s magazine FIRST, which reaches 4.6 million readers in the U.S. and Canada. I’m currently researching an article about how women can lose weight and improve their health with the help of juice detoxes or juicing.
I cam across your name on a website about Juice fasting for weight loss (healthy recipes) and was wondering if you might be a good source for my article. Do you know of any women who have lost weight with juice and would like to share their empowering story with my readers? I’d love to be put in touch with any woman who has a success story.
Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Contributor, FIRST magazine
cell: 917.518.4345
LisaMaxb @ yahoo. com
63 Sealund Road
Quincy, MA 02171
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