Medifast Diet ReviewJanuary 9, 2008 | | 1,079 Views Medifast is a diet that takes you into an intermediate fasting state as inferred by the name. Medifast uses meal replacement products that are formulated to be low-calorie, low-fat, and contain a balance of vitamins and minerals. Meal replacement do assist...
Recent Comments:
- Fasting Certification (1)
- amy: Hi Tom! I am a 23 year old female. I got a Bachelor’s in Sport & Exercise Science last year (Kinesiology, Physiology) when I graduated college; I’m interested in this certification program! However, I can’t afford the cost. I was wondering if you offer internship...
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (261)
- Tiffany: I am a 38 year old stay-at-home mom. In the past three years, I have gained and lost twenty pounds and put back on like 7-9. I used the cabbage soup diet to get me started. I juice fasted three days like a year ago and found that it was easier to gain weight after that. I started another...
- Weight Loss: Wow! Thanks for the great post
- Tom Coghill: Hi Rachel, Choose juices that do not have sugar or other ingredients. Try goodwill or ebay for a cheap used juicer. I bought a few for $5. When you add the cost of juicing and buying a juicer and the supplies after 20 days the store bough juices are more expensive and less effective....
- Rachel: Thanks for your response, Tom! I do realise I need to change my lifestyle if I want to be healthy and I’m hoping that fasting will act as a springboard for this change. You recommended a juice fast instead of a water fast for me- although that is the way I was leaning, too, the...
- Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (106)
- Ron: Hi again Tom, Great! Thank you for answering! I am closing on my 3rd day of water fasting and feel good (hunger wise). I am going to switch to juice as the acid in my stomach hasn’t shutdown completely. It’s not coming up to my esophagus as when I was eating though. I have had...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Ron, For most health, conditions juice fasting is more effective for healing. As you have been fasting short fasts for years you did not go through the detox common for first time fasters. If the water fasting is too much have a few glasses of juice occasionally. Acid reflux...
- Ron: Hi Tom, I’ve been enjoying your site! I’ve been fasting one day a week for years off and on, and wanted to delve deeper. I think I am ready mentally. I’m 53 and about 25-30 lbs overweight. I also have a history of digestive problems. It started with acid reflux several...
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (267)
- Shante: Okay, thanks for the info. I love salads and grilled chicken so that will be my everyday life along with other healthy meals after my fast. I stepped on the scale this morning after doing the cayenne pepper 3 times yesterday and i have lost 4 lbs. Today is day 2 so ill post again tomorrow...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shante, If you eat more raw foods, salads and avoid, white flours, bread, and processed food you are on your way to a lifetime weightloss program. Getting some exercise every day is important. You diet put on the weight and a new diet and fasting can keep if off.
- Shante: Tom, Hello, i was wondering if i will gain my weight back when i decide to eat again? I know i gain 5-10 lbs from the colon filling, but will i gain weight just from eating again. How can i prevent this from happening, because i do not want this entire experience to be a waist of my time....
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shante, You could take it in juice or in caps. The effect would be the same.
- Exercise During Fasting? (10)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Micheal, Working out hard during water fasting is like jogging during surgery. Let the body do its healing. If you want the cuts, take the protein with restricted juice amounts. Some people with body fat and a slow metabolism can do it . For the rest of us, weakness is normal...
- Micheal: Hi Tom I have just started what I have planned to be a 24 day fast. 3 days of raw foods followed by 4 days of fruit and veggie juice turning into a 10 day water fast and then coming out the same way with 4 days fruits and veggie juice and 3 days of raw foods. My question is about my...
- Prolonged Fasting (4)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kristine, Yes go to juice right away. A fast that long, for it to be health needs a good nutritional base and healthy organs. That is why I always tell people to do juice fasting first to prepare the body and build nutritional reserves. You can have any fruits and veggies, if you...
- Kristine: My daughter(25 yrs old)is doing an extended water only fast. She was aiming for 40 days and is somewhere over 30 days into it. She was doing OK and able to drink plenty of water until about 10 days ago, then she started feeling nauseous and more recently has been vomiting almost every...
- Detoxification Program Stages (2)
- Tom Coghill: Jim, You can continue the meds. All your ailments will be reduced dramatically with a 20 day juice fast.
- Fasting and Stomach Size (12)
- Shante: Sarah, It depends on your body type. If you are more heavier then you will see results quicker. I fasted for 5 days and lost 12 lbs, but i was also 235 lbs. It also depends on your metabolism, if its fast or slow. So, really its up to your body. To increase weight lost, try to do an hour...