Fasting for HealingFebruary 14, 2008 | | 3,161 Views Our body is an amazing structure and each part has its own detailed function. The structure of tube contains millions of miles of microscopic tubes while the membrane consists of thousands of square feet of delicate membrane surfaces. The circulatory...
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- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (63)
- Jessica: I have competitions usually at the end of the week, usually fridays. but my season is just about over and I have championships at the end of this week coming up. so maybe I should wait till after so that I can perform at my best.
- Rhet: Jessica, You bet fasting will affect your performance–at least, water fasting will. I’ve found that even juice fasting slows me down. I also have to watch out for strange bowel activity, especially at first. It’s not so important if you’re just training, but are you...
- Jessica: Hi I’ve been thinking of fasting for a while. I always feel backed up inside and irregular. But I am a runner and was wondering if fasting would affect my performance?
- Rhet: Hey Nikki, glad the “sleights̶ 1; were useful, I was feeling a little embarrassed about having shared all that. But boy, they really have helped me socially. Last night I had “wine” with friends at a concert (once friends have emptied one or 2, they are happy to let...
- Nikki: rhet, thanks so much for your “sleight of hand” post you are a genius! my boyfriend seems to think i’m going to die from fasting. he keeps cooking all my favorite foods & insisting that i just try a little something. i think your ideas will help me immensely! thanx...
- mark: tom i am already drinking 10 egg whites a day but not getting that good pump i used to in the gym will spirulina help and how much should i take? thanks
- rachel: Hi all! I’m just ending the sixth week of an intermittent fasting program, and my body keeps wanting more and more abstinence from food. For weeks I ate in a five to four hour window at night. I experienced better sleep, energy during the day, no cravings, better breathing, mental...
- Rhet: Thanks, Tom. Fawn, yes, I get insomnia a lot since fasting. I just watch TV or read, or sometimes I get up and play with the dogs. I must have a really slow metabolism, because I’m not dropping weight very fast. My body must have adjusted to the shift. Since the first few days,...
- Tom Coghill: Vomiting is part of water fasting if your body is toxic. For that reason I recommend juice fasting for 3 days before going to water. Sure take a hot bath if you are cold or a hot shower. Cold extremities is normal also.
- Rhet: Hi everyone, Thanks for your concern, Fawn. I think the vomiting is a detox-reaction. I took in some veggie juice off and on until those nausea episodes slacked off. I just got too scared about what my heart seemed to be doing on top of it. Now I’m back on water. Hopefully the little...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Fawn, Due to spam any posts with links are held for approval. Please be patient.
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (160)
- Nikki: thanx 4 your support mr. kim! i was on day 2 when i wrote that & starting over every day at midnight. i’d do awesome all day long, just distilled water maybe half a cup of fresh veggie juice. then 4 or 5 o’clock would roll around & i’d be jonesin for a snack like...
- Charli Adrianne: hiya i am 15 years old,, and for tha last 2 years i av been dietin,, starvin ma self,, etc.. i am a size 10 now n feel so fat,, i keep fastin and failin n i feel so fat,, i am 9 stone,, healthy weight range but not comfortable in my skin lol.. i want a fastin buddy so we can like...
- Ask a Question (59)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jay If you want protein then add some egg whites blended into the juice. It does not affect the cleansing.
- jay408: Is there any way to get protein in a juice fast?
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (189)
- Christi: Hi, i just bought a juicer and two books you reccomended on this site i’ve never juiced before but I’m very determined to complete 30 days. I hope to lose 30 lbs or more and I hope to last more than 30 days! I’m a little nervous about the enema is it difficult to do...
- Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (80)
- Russell: To caterpillar girl. You will find you have more time and energy if you fast. You gain the time that you would spend eating and I find after a few days your energy level goes up as your body adjusts. I dont know about depression, but when I’m fasting a find myself smiling a whole...
- Russell: Update. Day 10. I made a mistake before starting this fast and didn’t eat enough fiber. My stomach was clogged up and I believe it was making me feel tired, sluggish, sick. Without going into details my stomach, intestines, are now completely empty and I feel a whole lot better. I...